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Posts posted by miguelito

  1. That would be the question to ask Travis County.  It comes down to whatever they will accept. 

    It might not hurt to go ahead and get the survey done, it might solve other problems for you down the road.


    *I was a rodman on a survey crew for 4 summers, and my old man is a civil engineer, but I don't know shit about what you're dealing with.

  2. I always do, it's fun. 

    Don't try to keep a pitch count, you will have enough to keep track of.

    It's exciting, but it sucks, when a team bats around in an inning.  You have to cheat into the adjacent inning, and hope that doesn't offset the whole rest of the game.

    I've been to a 14-inning game - that was fun going to the next page.

    Read up on some of the theories and abbreviations and other things (K vs. backwards K, for example).  But over time you'll develop your own little code. 


    True story: at Safeco Field in Seattle there is a statue of long-time announcer Dave Niehaus, installed after he died.  In the statue, he's sitting at a table with a microphone and his scorebook in front of him.  You can go up to it and look at his notes, and if you're a Mariners fan, you will recognize the game.  (Cora on 3rd, Jr on 1st, Edgar hits a double - UNBELIEVABLE!)




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  3. Good advice from Butch.

    If it's a nice day, go to Paradise for the views and some easy hikes, or just keep going up to Muir.  If you get high enough (heh), you can turn around and see St. Helens, Adams, and Hood to the south.  Pinnacle Peak is a steep hike with nice views, starting from Reflection Lake.

    I like Paradise more than Sunrise; your pictures will turn out better because the sun is behind you at Paradise.

    If it's bad weather, do one of the lower, foresty hikes, like Comet Falls.


    And on your way back to civilization, stop at the Copper Creek Inn for blackberry milkshakes or pie.  If you ask nicely, they will put a piece of blackberry pie in a blender with ice cream, and make that a milkshake.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. 4 hours ago, RedDirtTexan said:


    dah-VEED Garza




    One of my friends had a HUGE crush on him, so we'd all go to his concerts so she could stalk him.

    When I moved to Seattle, I actually saw a couple of his shows up there.  I still listen to his stuff occasionally. 

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