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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. But is he a 9 wide? You know who else was a 9 wide.
  2. Nice catch, but that was a cheap drive, with help from the refs.
  3. True story: The UW marching band regularly plays "Fat Bottomed Girls" in the stands.
  4. There's a Penix completion more than 15 yards. I'll just have to take Helo's word for it.
  5. I bet you suckers don't have socks or Christmas decorations like these. That's right, ladies, size 9 wide.
  6. I improvised a purple and gold drink. I might go blind tonight.
  7. "in at least some places" Do they teach that kind of logic in law school? And are lawyers required to know any math?
  8. Kurt "looks" like a fat tub o' shit.
  9. I do my Christmas shopping at the little tienda in the front of Bee's.
  10. I guess they had that ceremony in the Hall of Champions because it had the most available empty, indoors space.
  11. We always get our first choice. Out of a top 30 list prepared by googling "available coaches near you."
  12. Team building is ok. Bonfires, on the other hand....
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