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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. I've seen enough. Cedar season is over. In 2020-2021 we had cedar counts until March 4, but that was very late, and unusual. We've been at 0 or low double digits since Feb 5. (Using San Antonio numbers): The last 8 years have alternated with higher and lower counts, meaning there were not 2 years in a row of increasing or decreasing counts. It's been up/down/up/down/up/down/up/. Last year was pretty low, so naturally we popped back up to within 5% of the running average. So now OAK. The earliest counts in the last 8 years were on Feb 20, but it usually ramps up the first week of March. The last 2 years were low; who knows what that means for this year, maybe nothing. But enjoy the next week or 2 of nothing but mold, ash (trees), mulberry, and other shit to bother you. I saw a red bud blooming yesterday.
  2. I'm a little disappointed no one has mentioned the Soul Train.
  3. This news keeps popping up all over.
  4. Will he be cremated inside a toaster?
  5. My parents will hear the Jesse part, but not the Julie part.
  6. Unfortunate text cutoff.
  7. Will this one have flying cows?
  8. "Nancy Pelosi is also rooting for the 49ers!"
  9. Has it asked you to feed it blood?
  10. 1.37" in the Devil's Asshole of Drought. Hallelujah.
  11. So, this wasn't about Mack Brown?
  12. I failed Government, so can someone please explain this to me? If it's 214-216 they can "bring it up later," but if it's 215-215 they can't? Use small words.
  13. That one guy wearing a face mask probably has COVID - he didn't want to miss the rally, but also didn't want to spread the virus to anyone else. Good for him.
  14. Mans laughter? That sounds made up.
  15. Hey, how's his presidential library coming along?
  16. I get excited when this thread has a lot of new replies and that "HOT" icon. Only to be disappointed.
  17. "Contains 8% jizz"
  18. He might, if you told him there were fruit snax at the bottom.
  19. This still might be my favorite delivery of any line in any movie.
  20. Tell them I can assist with the exit pole.
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