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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. Regarding the Almanac, in case you're new to it, my friends at KSAT have a good breakdown: https://ksatcom-ampd-news.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/ksatcom.ampd.news/c/5d2d3697-2c77-4976-ab1a-60154cc82cb4?amp_js_v=0.1&dml-collection=503239bc090cef6e376958e4b0372ff2&utm_source=distributedmedialab&utm_medium=referral#origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ksat.com&cap=swipe%2CnavigateTo%2Cfragment%2CerrorReporter&horizontalScrolling=0&prerenderSize=1&visibilityState=visible Summary: It's full of shit because: The forecast zone is too big. The information is vague. The almanac doesn't disclose its process. "This far out, any meteorologist worth their sand would say it’s impossible to be too specific about details in the long term. However, because a La Niña weather pattern is ongoing, we can say that the winter in San Antonio has a good chance to be warmer and drier than average. One or two light ice events are possible too, as they are every winter."
  2. Mother-in-law moved to Idaho, but ... maybe. Wife's the one from WA, I'm from here. And I've been getting cranky, like Jack Nicholson at Guantanamo.
  3. I have a lot of work to do in the garden: dig up old tomatoes and other plants that have been spent, turn over my compost pile, pull weeds, check my irrigation lines. But I really don't want to do any of that. It's too fucking hot, even early in the morning. I don't enjoy being out there, and I'm not getting any produce out of it to make it feel worthwhile. There was talk of greenhouses above; I'm starting to consider a large one that I can air-condition. Fuck this summer, and last summer, and next summer.
  4. So did he eliminate rape like he said he would?
  5. Why doesn't Mexico just remove those bouys? I guess it would start a legal shitstorm, but we're kind of already in a shitstorm.
  6. I was hoping for Pizza Patron Center or Fred's Fish Fry Forum.
  7. Shoot, I'm 46 and sometimes I don't function properly, and sometimes my antenna points the wrong way.
  8. Another good series win. I hear the trident broke after Crawford's HR.
  9. Were the flashbacks with Gabriel from a previous movie or not? I didn't remember them, but that's not saying much.
  10. Yes, because 89 is a huge respite from 90. (Quoting the story, not atom)
  11. I had one of these on my back porch in SA for a while. It was nice for starting plants, and keeping the critters out while plants were young. I never had to add a heat lamp in there, but it would have been easy to do. When I moved, I rebuilt this at the end my my house, and the wind tore the fabric up. I relocated the frame over a raised bed, in case I ever want to reattach another cover, or just drape something over it. Honestly, this was one of the cheap ones out there, and was kind of intended to be a starter greenhouse. I have more space to experiment with plants now, but someday I might get another, better greenhouse. https://www.amazon.com/Purlyu-Greenhouse-Thickened-Powder-Coated-4-7x4-7x6-4/dp/B0BP1G51Q6/ref=sr_1_6?c=ts&keywords=Greenhouses&qid=1690727204&s=lawn-garden&sr=1-6&ts_id=11055931&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc
  12. South Austin, have your girl invest in a good rain jacket, with hood. Most of the rain up there is light enough, that you can just put on your jacket and go right out in it. If you go hiking or something like that, you might want rain pants, too. But for walking around campus, a good jacket is all you need. I moved there in August 1998. My 2nd cousin had a houseboat on Lake Union. He and I were drinking beer on his roof, watching the sail planes land on the lake, and he told me to remember days like that in winter, when I wouldn't know whether to get out of bed or kill myself. My first February up there it was partly sunny 1 day. Cloudy and rainy 27 days. That was a beating. But memories of last summer and anticipation of next summer kept me going. After a while, you just accept the rain. You realize, it's Seattle, it's supposed to rain. This is a popular poster available at Pike Place Market and those 'Made in Washington' stores:
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