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Everything posted by miguelito

  1. I talked to a few people this week that knew the couple. The general consensus is that he did it. But also nobody knows anything. Those woods off Olmos are pretty dense. I might hide a body in there if I had to.
  2. Wait, were we supposed to stop using coffee filters for that? Nobody told me.
  3. They could make a 30 for 30 of that thread. edit: the Kobe/NowThis thread
  4. Costas is a beating. I'm switching to the Spanish broadcast after the Detroit game.
  5. My nephews would stand around like that when they were pooping in their diapers.
  6. Didn't Putin come out and corroborate Woodward's story?
  7. And this is our only glimmer of hope, from KSAT's weather folks: "This is because cooler air will push southward from Canada early next week, but most of it will spread across the Eastern U.S. It remains uncertain if it will clip Texas, but if it does -- in addition to mornings in the 50s -- afternoons are likely to dip into the upper 80s.We’ll keep you updated!"
  8. I posted in the other thread, but just the fact that Ken made the move could be enough to scare some people into not voting.
  9. So the penalty for breaking some rules is ... you get to break some other rules?
  10. His action itself is enough to scare some people from showing up to vote, fearing that they might be arrested for voting. You can't get much more un-American than this guy.
  11. This looks like it would hurt. (from storm2k)
  12. And if you control the mail, you control ... information.
  13. He was busy, in many meetings and making many phone calls.
  14. Costas was pretty sad about that double play to end the Yankees' inning.
  15. I would have needed a lot more help than that, lol. But you know what they say, "D for degree."
  16. Good stuff, cactus, even if I almost failed chemistry 301 and 302.
  17. I recall hearing shit like, "this is the last hottest day of the year!" Fuck you.
  18. That must have been a bitch to type, overriding autocorrect.
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