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WhatTheBuck last won the day on July 4 2019

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  1. Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.
  2. Your jambalaya looks similar to mine. I usually use chicken and sausage - sometimes andouille, sometimes kielbasa. Sometimes green peppers, sometimes red, sometimes both. I’ve come a long way since I used to follow Paul Prudhomme’s recipe, which cooks it in the oven, to doing it on the stovetop and not really following a fixed recipe. I also ditched the tomatoes, which are fine, but it’s better without. Cajun over Creole, I guess.
  3. Do you think Trump secretly knows how tariffs actually work?
  4. The Saudis have a sovereign wealth fund that they used to invest $2 Billion in Jared Kushner’s startup private equity venture. Donald Trump wants one too and plans to use it in equally shady ways.
  5. Please stop feeding the troll. Just ignore him. You won’t miss him. Trust me.
  6. You don’t understand?!?! It’s just YOUR JOB five days a week!
  7. No time. I need them tomorrow. Now that I’ve prepared my morning half-bagel, I should probably get more apple butter too. Also, I keep my shopping list on the Notes app on my phone. That way I can add to it anywhere, anytime, and I (almost) never forget to take it with me to the store.
  8. That’s for the American people. He knows Trump is a narcissist without the capacity for empathy or shame. Every world leader knows that.
  9. That’s a key component of Republican psychology. ‘How dare you treat us the way we treat you?’
  10. Agreed. But asthma guy died in Jan., 2024. https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article299308004.html
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