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WhatTheBuck last won the day on July 4 2019

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  1. “Advanced Alzheimer’s” sounds pretty bad off. If you’re living in the same house as your wife who’s been dead for almost a week and can’t grasp that, I’m thinking that dialing a phone to a working number and communicating a coherent message to the person on the other end of the line is probably an awful lot to ask.
  2. Because negative attention is better than no attention at all. Just ignore him.
  3. I thought my concurrence was obvious.
  4. Merrily We Roll Along
  5. Goddamnit.
  6. Many people are saying.
  7. It’s insanity.
  8. Not holding my breath on the current president Carter (not to be confused with the late, honorable former President Carter).
  9. Anyone who’s been even sort of paying attention knew that Trump would fuck over Ukraine. A vote for Trump was a vote for Putin.
  10. Hey man, don’t disparage the good name of Oingo Boingo.
  11. She’s so awesome.
  12. I didn’t watch. Don’t really care to watch the lowlights, either. I’m pretty sure it was all predictable bullshit. If anything important came out of it, I’ll hear about it in due time.
  13. Seriously, asshole? Grow the fuck up.
  14. *Deadline
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