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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. “Advanced Alzheimer’s” sounds pretty bad off. If you’re living in the same house as your wife who’s been dead for almost a week and can’t grasp that, I’m thinking that dialing a phone to a working number and communicating a coherent message to the person on the other end of the line is probably an awful lot to ask.
  2. Because negative attention is better than no attention at all. Just ignore him.
  3. I thought my concurrence was obvious.
  4. Merrily We Roll Along
  5. Goddamnit.
  6. Many people are saying.
  7. It’s insanity.
  8. Not holding my breath on the current president Carter (not to be confused with the late, honorable former President Carter).
  9. Anyone who’s been even sort of paying attention knew that Trump would fuck over Ukraine. A vote for Trump was a vote for Putin.
  10. Hey man, don’t disparage the good name of Oingo Boingo.
  11. She’s so awesome.
  12. I didn’t watch. Don’t really care to watch the lowlights, either. I’m pretty sure it was all predictable bullshit. If anything important came out of it, I’ll hear about it in due time.
  13. Seriously, asshole? Grow the fuck up.
  14. *Deadline
  15. Russia’s America
  16. Oh, they’re transparent alright.
  17. They don’t give a shit about the commandment that says “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” You think they’ll give a shit about that one?
  18. Human rights, freedom, and democracy.
  19. He knew what he was doing. He chose this path.
  20. Republicans don’t feel shame.
  21. Steve Bannon was given an office in the White House. They don’t care about how anyone dresses, only about fealty to the dictator. Fake sartorial outrage is just a distraction.
  22. I have this killer Miles Davis “bootleg” (or whatever, I downloaded it years ago and I’m not sure if I’ve got the recording info filed away somewhere but I’m listening to it now) and I decided to Google it. I found a release on discogs.com that matches it but the songs are in a different order. https://www.discogs.com/release/469656-Miles-Davis-John-Coltrane-Konserthuset-Stockholm-March-22-1960 On my disc the song order is: 1. On Green Dolphin Street 2. All Blues 3. So What 4. Fran Dance 5. Walkin’ > The Theme I don’t know the lineage of this show/my recording but it smokes. Coltrane tears it up. Wynton Kelly on the keys too. Holy crap. I haven’t listened to this in some time. I just pulled it out of a box the other day. I gotta spread the love. I’ll have to do some research into this if want to figure out where this comes from but for now it’s worth it just as a standalone recording of an incredible performance. Here’s the discogs version:
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