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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 31 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    Or maybe...did he not NOT know?

    hmmm...the plot thickens...

    Would, wouldn't. Did, didn't. Sometimes he just accidentally uses the wrong word. 

  2. 52 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    You really have to wonder why somebody like Rudy, who was certainly not in a position in which he had to take this gig, took this gig. 

    He has a lust for power and fame. He's getting exposure. They're putting him on TV. He's close to the POTUS! He matters! 

    • Like 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:


    Yep. Issue the first one in 8th grade at school, like picture day, so the vast majority of everyone is at least in the system once in their lifetime. Then you just have to update it as needed. Hell, do it earlier and modify the SSN process to include a picture.


    8th grade? We're talking about Republicans here. Issue them upon conception. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Surlybastard said:

    I think you could make an argument based on fsu only coming to prominence since the late 80's. Ya they started getting good in the late 70's but kind of disappeared for a few years before their 14 straight or w/e it was top 5 seasons. Their overall winning % is skewered by their fb program not coming into existence until like 1950. So really they've had about 30 years of relevance. So there is a rationale for including some of those sec schools but not fsu. I'd prob agree though on drawing the line at 9 on this list. 

    It's kind of like the playoff where that last spot gets kind of murky because there are multiple teams who can argue that they belong there but none of them are slam dunk, 'oh of course they belong' teams. 

  5. The carriage return automatically gives you a double space in the Surly forum interface. Please stop hitting it twice between paragraphs. The carriage return is also known as the "Enter" or "Return" key. Sometimes it's represented by <CR>. When I hit it once...

    This is the spacing. That's double spaced text. When I hit it twice...


    This is the spacing. That's a big waste of space. Don't do that. 

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Clob94 said:

     Btw-- calling people names shows a lack of respect for self and others. As a Longhorn, I would expect you to be above that. 

    But you're fine when the president does it. 

  7. How did the Republic manage to survive for over 200 years without voter ID laws? And in person voter fraud was never a problem. Hell, photo ID really wasn't even a thing until the 20th century.

    You don't need an ID to register to vote. You don't need one to vote by absentee ballot. You didn't need one to vote in person for hundreds of years and it wasn't a problem. The Republicans have manufactured an imaginary problem the solution to which has the totally intended side-effect of suppressing the votes of people who are more likely to vote Democrat. They've even been caught on tape admitting as much. There's no shortage of useful idiots who buy their bullshit wholesale without giving it any thought. 

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, realgreggym said:

    You're not smart enough to understand this but the Israelis won the land in battle most recently. 

    Do you think they won Jerusalem by armed conflict? They definitely lost it by armed conflict a long, long time ago. Obviously their God was too weak to defend it on his own. There wouldn't even be an Israel if other nations, Britain and the U.S. specifically, didn't make it happen. 

    We should stop giving money to Israel. If God wants the Jews to have their own country, let him pay for it.

    (I don't normally respond to trolls so that's all the time I'm wasting on you.)

  9. 8 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    This asshole can’t read for shit. “Reciprocal. My favorite word. Reciprocal.”

    Did you notice how many times Putin used that word (or a variant like reciprocate) during the Helsinki press conference? It was like watching him actually pulling the strings. 

  10. 3 hours ago, realgreggym said:

    There is no occupation. That land was won in battle. Its that simple.

    By the Arabs. Many centuries ago. But apparently there's a double standard involved. Hmmmm...I wonder what that might be. 

  11. Top Ten All Time Winning Percentage

    Michigan 0.72914 943 339 36 1318 
    Notre Dame 0.72877 906 324 42 1272 
    Ohio State 0.72510 898 324 53 1275 
    Alabama 0.72306 891 328 43 1262 
    Oklahoma 0.72262 884 323 53 1260 
    Texas 0.70509 898 366 33 1297 
    Southern Cal 0.70114 834 340 54 1228 
    Nebraska 0.69535 893 380 40 1313 
    Penn State 0.68783 878 387 42 1307 
    10  Florida State 0.67928  539 250 17 806 

     I'm cool with calling those the blue bloods. 11-13 are Tennessee, Georgia, and LSU. Are they blue bloods? If they are then why isn't FSU? I don't think anyone can argue with the first nine.


    • Like 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    the US army isn't occupying a people against their will. If so, that's war. 

    So you agree with the Palestinians. 

  13. 23 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    No, that's another false assumption you're making — that Israel's continued existence depends in any way in what God said.   I'm willing to stipulate for purposes of this discussion that God did not promise the land of Israel to the Jews.  So what?  You might as well argue that Manifest Destiny wasn't really God's plan either. 

    Are you willing to stipulate that unless you can produce the Ark of the Covenant that your covenant is a myth?

  14. 36 minutes ago, Orca of Peace said:

    marketing departments carefully track ads and sales correlation.  Not sure that analogy works here. 

    Think harder. You can do it. 

    "Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way."

    "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, on a sesame seed bun."

    Can you tell us exactly how each affected sales at Burger King and McDonald's? Can Burger King or McDonald's? If not, were those marketing campaigns a waste of money? Are all marketing campaigns a waste of money? Should  politicians stop running political ads altogether?

    Check this out. I can still do this from memory. You'll have to trust me..."bun seed sesame a on, onions, pickles, cheese, lettuce, sauce special patties beef all two."

    That got you a free, or at least discounted, Big Mac somewhere around 40 years ago. I don't remember exactly what the benefit was but I remember the promotion. The shit works. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Mojo Hand said:

    No, because your assumptions are false.  Yes, the Palestinians are in a worse place now than twenty years ago, when this conversation started on hornfans, and in exactly the way that the pro-Israel side predicted.  They could still come away with something better than they have, but the only way that can ever happen is if they change their approach. 

    I assume nothing. I know my history and me eyes and ears work. I also know that the God of Abraham is a human invention. You want to prove to me that there is one creator God who promised the land of Israel to the Jews? Show me the Ark of the Covenant or shut the fuck up. 

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