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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. I prefer his look before he managed to pull himself together and feign toughness, when he looked like a weak, frightened old man who had just shit himself.
  2. Not necessarily. First, that would be hard to pull off in secret without anyone finding out about it. Second, after he lost the election, he brought all kinds of batshit crazy people into his circle as long as they told him things he wanted to hear no matter how preposterous it was. Like Sidney Powell. I’m not making any assumptions. But that’s an unpopular opinion. I suppose if I were going to play the game of jumping to salacious conclusions I might speculate that when he was fucking her he’d have her say things like, “My name’s Alina and I’m a baaaad lawyer!”
  3. He doesn’t need to find her attractive as long as she’s telling him what he wants to hear.
  4. I don’t know who his counterpart would’ve been in the third Reich but he’ll be in charge of purging the Executive Branch of anyone who isn’t sufficiently loyal to Trump.
  5. I started out making Emeril’s red beans & rice recipe using stock and three kinds of pork. I was comfortable thinking ham hocks were the key ingredient to a great pot of beans. And I still believe that pork and stock are great ways to crank up the flavor. But then I got a lesson on minimalism and learned that keeping things simple can work out just fine. I found some of these little red “silk beans” at the Mexican market that I’d never noticed before. They were exactly like this bag: I bought the bag then went home and googled “frijol rojo de seda” and came up with some recipes and the following video which is as basic as it gets. They don’t soak the beans. They just put them in a pot of boiling water with an onion and a head of garlic and add salt at the end. That’s what I did. At a simmer it took 4 hours until they were tender. She looks like she keeps the water more at a boil. In the time it took my beans to cook, the onion halves and whole garlic cloves basically dissolved into the broth. Pretty close. Now I just give them a rough chop first. I found that I got a darker broth that was a deeper red color than hers. It’s very tasty. I’ve experimented with embellishing it by adding dried peppers. Pasillas work pretty well. But the simplicity of the recipe got me to rethink my approach to beans and it’s given me a lot more options. In my searching I came across a number of recipes for gallopinto (or gallo pinto, there doesn’t seem to be a consensus and I’m not sure which I prefer but I lean toward the latter). It fries the beans above with pilaf style rice with onions and peppers. That stuff is awesome and now when I make the beans I’ll make a pot of rice pilaf just to save for the next day to make gallopinto. I see these beans all over now and from various brands but since the first bag I bought was from Nicaragua, I went with the Nicaraguan recipe. https://eatsbythebeach.com/nicaraguan-gallo-pinto/ https://www.seriouseats.com/gallopinto-nicaraguan-rice-and-beans-recipe There’s a lot of versatility in how to make it. Adding Canadian bacon was a winner.
  6. “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” He’s a fucking moron and a fraud.
  7. That one is a juggling dog. This is a cat and a genuine Bush original:
  8. It doesn’t make up for the damage they caused but we’ll take it. Dubya too if he’s got the stones and isn’t too busy with his “art.”
  9. Don’t fall for Trump’s lies.
  10. Republicans won’t get that joke because they don’t know what Marxism is.
  11. Sounds like the Commander in Chief should make a phone call.
  12. And the one time she asked to respond to something he said which would’ve given her the final word, they shut her down.
  13. If she gets down in the weeds on details, they’ll criticize her for being boring.
  14. Yep. Trump’s performance was actually terrible, lying constantly and not answering any questions. But Biden’s catatonic performance overshadowed that.
  15. Totals. Trump spoke for about five minutes more and spoke a lot more often. Five minutes is kind of significant when they’re often given 1 minute to speak and Kamala got cut off multiple times. Trump has no basis for complaining that the moderators were unfair. They fact-checked him 3 times. He lied WAY more than that.
  16. I’ve never heard that. Not doing it would’ve looked terrible. He had to do it. They wanted to change the venue to Fox News with an audience of his supporters. When that failed they wanted to keep his mic muted as originally planned to keep some control over him. If they advised him not to do the debate then he should tire them because it would’ve made him look like a coward. And she was baiting him already so they had no choice but to show up.
  17. Not even close. If that were true then he would’ve sat for an in-person interview with Robert Mueller’s team. There are many instances of people in Trump’s circle reining him in.
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