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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Good thing you shared it with us.
  2. And they’ll place the blame squarely on Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama/Nancy Pelosi/Joe Biden.
  3. I don’t think it has anything to do with Gaetz’s lack of character or competence. It has everything to do with payback for Gaetz publicly trashing him in the past.
  4. Teach them critical thinking skills and you’ll wind up with liberal kids.
  5. If you’re a server who voted for Trump to get a tax break on your tips, don’t be upset when people go back to tipping you 10%.
  6. Nobody is telling him to keep eating at McDonald’s like it’s a campaign strategy. He likes it. He’s always liked it. It’s who he is. It’s long been reported that he trusts it because it’s clean and he won’t get poisoned by it. (Yes, he’s an idiot. Let’s not waste time debating that.) Vanity Fair reported about Trump’s penchant for the Golden Arches (and fast food in general) back in Feb, 2016. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/02/mind-boggling-reason-donald-trump-loves-mcdonalds
  7. You let me know when that happens. Maybe tune in right now to Deadline White House and report back.
  8. Trump’s tariffs resulted in a record trade deficit with China and Trump gave a $25 Billion socialist handout to farmers hurt by his incompetent trade policy.
  9. Care to expand on that? What do you mean by “get on board with coverage of state tv?”
  10. It was Woodward’s first book about the Trump presidency, published in 2018. It’s printed on the back cover. His second book about the Trump presidency, published in 2020, was titled Rage.
  11. Probably working on the transition with the Project 2025 folks at Heritage.
  12. Nazis arrested. https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/s/Y8piuye33K
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