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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Should’ve watched it live.
  2. Yeah, if that’s as corny as they get in 2028 then I think we can be happy.
  3. Yes, Jimmy, we know. “That’s how you do it.” You say it after literally every musical performance on your show. The phrase has become meaningless when you say it.
  4. “Seine-sational” Booooo.
  5. Jesus, don’t interview the athletes while they’re walking into the stadium with the flag during the closing ceremony. Leave them alone to enjoy the moment. How fucking stupid.
  6. Trump’s narcissism. Oh, I see that’s been covered.
  7. Fact-checking Trump’s Mar-a-Lago festival of falsehoods. More than 2 per minute. It would’ve been easier to count the things he said that were true. 162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact checks former President Trump There were a host of false things that Donald Trump said during his hour-long news conference Thursday that have gotten attention. A glaring example is his helicopter emergency landing story, which has not stood up to scrutiny. But there was so much more. A team of NPR reporters and editors reviewed the transcript of his news conference and found at least 162 misstatements, exaggerations and outright lies in 64 minutes. That’s more than two a minute. It’s a stunning number for anyone – and even more problematic for a person running to lead the free world. https://www.npr.org/2024/08/11/nx-s1-5070566/trump-news-conference
  8. Those that prevent history from being taught fully intend to repeat it.
  9. ‘I was law enforcement. I was taught that lying is part of the job.’
  10. David Stern looks like a ghost.
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