Tim Burchett was on Scripps News a little while ago doing that little dance, trying to acknowledge that getting American prisoners back is a good thing while criticizing Biden for it. He was talking about the “politics involved” and how Putin wanted to “put a good spin” on this and how Trump would’ve been tougher to deal with. (Puh-lease.)
He lamented how we always get the worse end of the deal and brought up that “female basketball player.” Uh, yeah, Tim, it kind of sucks but we don’t arrest innocent people and hold them hostage and Putin wouldn’t bargain for them if we did. So being a free and democratic society puts us at a disadvantage. Maybe we shouldn’t have been so quick to release Maria Butina but I’ll bet the last thing Trump and the GOP wanted was for her to hang around where she might spill her secrets. She was pretty deeply involved with the party and the NRA.
Then he had the nerve to say, “We don’t even know where the president is right now.” Hey, jackass, he’s in the White House. You know, where he lives and works. He had a press briefing scheduled.
Fuck the GOP. Way to go Joe. Welcome home to the hostages.