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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Doesn’t matter. Lock him up the next time he violates the gag order. His supporters are lost souls. Fuck their feelings. Do what’s right for the sake of everyone who’s still sane.
  2. Yeah, get refugees on the move…then hit them with air strikes. We’ll see what happens but I know his administration’s unspoken policy is genocide. That assumption makes it easy to predict their every action.
  3. Check out who lol-repped that post. It’s a rogues gallery of local deplorables. Racists suck. I’m siding with Penelope.
  4. I’m a little late but at my latitude not too late. I’m ready to put my habaneros outside. I’m growing a ghost pepper this year for the first time. And I found out that the garden center has scorpions now too and I just picked up one of those. I’m kind of so-so on the ghost pepper sauces I’ve tried but the (two) scorpion sauces I’ve had have been pretty good. Especially the Tabasco. That stuff is awesome. I love habaneros so much but I’m really looking forward to the fresh scorpion experience. The ghost, too, but I’m thinking they might just be a way-station between the two. We’ll see.
  5. It was intentional so they could blame the next (assuming it would be Democratic) administration for letting them expire. We all saw this coming. Trumpkins were told. Of course they didn’t listen.
  6. I saw that this morning. Notice she says “future editions.” The book comes out tomorrow. That fake story is going to be in there. If future editions are printed (which they probably shouldn’t be), then that “anecdote” will be removed. Presumably.
  7. They never actually cared about any of that stuff. Trump didn’t change them, he made it okay to show their true selves.
  8. Pffft. So you prefer thin lips to pouty, succulent lips. To each his own. Molly was better looking then. And she’s better looking now.
  9. I left my baby and I feel so bad I guess my race is run Oh, he's the best boy I ever had I shot the dog and the dog won I shot the dog and the dog won
  10. I still listen to CDs and watch DVDs. And still buy both on occasion. I have a good working VCR and still have some VHS tapes. I still have some cassette tapes and a boom box that can play them. It rarely happens but I can play them if I want. I still have a couple old unused Maxell II-S cassette tapes still in their wrappers that I can’t bring myself to throw out. I’m pretty sure I still have one unopened blank VHS tape too.
  11. Of course. Just someone who holds different religious beliefs than she does.
  12. Yeah, he treated her like his daughter. He wants to fuck his daughter. Trump reportedly told Hicks she was the best piece of ass Corey Lewandowski ever had. Sure, she was young and attractive, that’s why Trump hired her. She was stunt Ivanka capitalizing on her youth and beauty to glom onto Trump and ride the gravy train. Just another gold digger. She used to steam Trump’s suits while he was wearing them. I’ll bet he loved that, especially if she ever got down on her knees to do it. She had affairs with at least two of Trump’s staffers, Lewandowski and Rob Porter, both married men. Porter was accused of domestic violence by two of his wives, Lewandowski himself had been accused of battery and sexual assault by women other than his wife. No one of character serves that close to Trump. If you’re surviving and thriving in a snake pit, you’re probably a snake yourself. Sadly for Hope, the gravy train came to a crashing halt on Jan 6. She had to find somewhere new to apply her talents. Last I heard, that was at Fox News. If she’s still there then she’s still involved in propaganda and sleaze. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/08/media/hope-hicks-joins-fox/index.html Good for her for testifying. I hope she tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But she’s no saint and still has the stink of Trump on her.
  13. Palestinians who did that tended to disappear.
  14. I believe selling this poster was implied consent.
  15. I assumed it was an AI deepfake.
  16. Remember this tweet? And these fine people?
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