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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Let the drag shows commence, wait for the Neo-Nazi protestors to show up. Remove statues of Confederate generals from all the campuses and wait for same.
  2. While wearing the same attire.
  3. I knew I’d run into him before because I already had that moron on ignore.
  4. Zelensky didn’t go along with Trump when he tried to extort Ukraine into a phony investigation of Biden in return for Congressionally authorized aid. Trump is in the pocket of Putin and Putin’s got his fingers deep in the GOP.
  5. “Just posting clips.” Totally innocent, not transparent at all.
  6. I don’t agree with that. I can eat celery raw. I know some people like raw bell peppers and will put them in a salad. I don’t really care for them raw. But I’ll eat raw celery. It’s good for snacking. My mom used to serve us little celery “boats” filled with peanut butter. I usually just dip celery in blue cheese dressing. I’ll make a plate of celery, broccoli, and carrots and go to town.
  7. Fox News backed down and pulled the series. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/30/1248275971/fox-news-hunter-biden-series-lawsuit-threat
  8. It’s even funnier because we’ve heard recordings from back in the 80’s of Trump posing as “John Barron,” his imaginary spokesperson, speaking with members of the media trying to promote himself. Then he fucking named his kid Barron. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/21/the-amazing-story-of-donald-trumps-old-spokesman-john-barron-who-was-actually-donald-trump-himself/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/04/20/reporter-recalls-trumps-alter-ego-amazed-didnt-see-through-ruse/537312002/
  9. Joe was the one who got Obama to change his position and embrace same sex marriage. (Maybe “embrace” is the wrong word but you know what I mean.)
  10. The infrastructure bill helps everyone, young people included. The chips bill helps everyone, young people included. Strengthening unions helps all workers, young people included. Wages for everyone are higher when unions are strong, union and non-union workers alike. Global warming is a problem that will affect young people more than it will affect me. Biden acknowledges it and is trying to address it. He’s not doing enough, but the other side denies that the problem even exists. The repeal of Roe v. Wade affects young people, not grandma and grandpa. Biden wants to codify abortion rights into law. Young women (and real men) should be turning out in droves to oppose the GOP. What the fuck more do young people want? The next perfect president will be the first perfect president. The alternative is such a looming fucking disaster that it’s insane it’s even a question among decent, normal, educated people about whom to vote for.
  11. “Keep your Rosaries off my ovaries.” Protest sign I just saw on the news about Florida’s 6-week ban about to go into effect. I thought that was pretty clever. Maybe I’m out of the loop but that was new to me.
  12. That’s a fucked up take. I agree that there’s a difference but if you’re going to fire on the authorities serving a warrant then you deserve to get destroyed. Not “more power to you.” That makes you sound like a psychopath. Are you a Branch Davidian or something?
  13. And blatant judicial activism.
  14. He hasn’t sent any of our young men and women off to war.
  15. How awesome did you think it was when Rush Limbaugh called pre-teen Chelsea Clinton the “White House dog?”
  16. Trump won’t pick him despite what this anonymous person on social media says.
  17. It’s all good, my brother. I thought my smiley emoji would convey that I was just having lighthearted fun. Swing-and-a-miss, I guess.
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