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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. What about when GWB promised he’d send everyone a tax rebate check if he was elected president? Clinton left a budget surplus and rather than paying down the debt, ol’ Dubya sent out checks. As I recall the average check for me and my middle middle class peers was around $300. What was that? I’d say it was buying votes. It didn’t buy my vote because I saw through the bullshit and voted for Gore. I knew the Bush tax cuts were favoring the ultra-rich, not me and my ilk. I’d seen that failed experiment before. (Thanks, Ronnie!) Crap. Now I’m all pissed off and I don’t even know if my reply is relevant to the intent of your post or not. Disregard it as you please. I’m going to go pour myself a drink. Fuck Bush. That’s always relevant.
  2. WhatTheBuck


    Don’t forget the moon. Never forget the moon.
  3. Blagojevich definitely would’ve taken Trump’s call out of gratitude for commuting his prison sentence over corruption and bribery charges. Maybe Blagojevich just has more integrity than Kilpatrick.
  4. Won’t mean a thing. Joe also mentioned that Trump shits on all big cities. They tend to be more diverse and tend to vote for Democrats.
  5. Must not have included the whole segment. At one point Joe said something to the effect of: “You hate beer, Mika, you can stop faking it.” Even if you like beer, it still takes an act to pretend you like the beast. Cute gag but that stuff sucks.
  6. Jesus fucking Christ, this.
  7. This morning on CBS I saw this commentary (cued up the the relevant passage): I’m not sure what to make of it other than it sounds like the families could keep going after him. And given how utterly scurrilous his behavior has been it’s hard to imagine any jury defending him. Am I misreading the comments by CBS’ legal analyst here? I don’t know.
  8. I’ve identified your mistake.
  9. What if the Sandy Hook families sue him again?
  10. How are those remotely analogous?
  11. Watch any movie while listening to any album and they’ll seem like they’re synchronized if you’re really stoned.
  12. Link to the source article: https://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-investigation-senate-democrats-1911988
  13. Playing Revolution 9 backwards, you only hear “Turn me on, dead man” if you want to hear it. I didn’t think it was spooky. I thought it was nonsense. Same goes for watching The Wizard of Oz while listening to Dark Side of the Moon.
  14. CBS Sunday Morning had a segment about him a couple months ago.
  15. Mitch after Trump’s “failed insurrection” on Jan. 6: Mitch after voting against Trump’s impeachment for his failed insurrection:
  16. WhatTheBuck


    Lol. Yeah, Kroger mostly sucks and that’s just corporate pandering. But they’re one of the nation’s largest grocery chains and if that email melts a MAGA brain or two then good for them. At least they’re open.
  17. WhatTheBuck


    Received this email from Kroger at the start of the month.
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