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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Lol, right. The audio of his “grab ‘em by the pussy” comment didn’t do it. Video of him shooting someone on Fifth Ave wouldn’t do it. His base is bereft of standards, values, or fixed principles of any kind. No decent person supports Trump. Its sad but true. It also makes them totally predictable. There is no bottom. Nothing that will change their minds.
  2. Yeah, um, her crooked dad taught her most of what she knows.
  3. I don’t know about God. But Jesus did. Matthew 19:21 (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition) 21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money[a] to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” Footnote: [a] 19.21 Gk lacks the money
  4. Please, Mr. Spaceman, don’t take me along for a ride.
  5. Ukraine aid needs to get done ASAP. I’m not holding my breath and I’ve got a pretty cynical view of Johnson’s determination to get it done. But if it doesn’t get done then that will be a further indictment of the pro-Putin sympathies in the GOP.
  6. Yeah but just because they don’t show up at the courthouse doesn’t mean they won’t show up at the polls. We can’t get complacent and overconfident. I think that’s part of why Trump won in ‘16. I can’t prove it but I believe he would’ve lost if they held a re-vote the day after the election. I think a lot of voters stayed home because they assumed he had no chance. I think a lot of them woke up the next morning thinking Hillary didn’t look so bad after all. I’m not suggesting you disagree but I think we must never lower our guard and should always take seriously the threat that Trump might actually win. No one can afford to sit on their hands. Anything but a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Donald Trump and against American constitutional democracy. We can’t assume the fascist sympathizers will sit at home on Nov. 5. We have to assume they’ll turn out and we have to show up ourselves because there are more of us than there are of them. Stay vigilant.
  7. I saw that interview. Sununu’s a fucking tool. One point he made repeatedly was that “it’s like reality tv” with Trump’s supporters, as if that’s justification for ignoring the seriousness of his crimes. What’s particularly galling is that Sununu knows it’s not reality tv. The reality of Trump is that he’s a criminal, totally corrupt, totally unfit for office. But Sununu doesn’t care because Trump’s supporters are living in their fantasy world so he’s going to live in it to. Because, you know…power. He’s setting an example that I still think Nikki Haley will eventually follow.
  8. Wtf? https://www.npr.org/2024/04/12/1244316874/florida-blocks-heat-protections-for-workers-right-before-summer Florida blocks heat protections for workers right before summer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a law that prevents cities or counties from creating protections for workers who labor in the state's often extreme and dangerous heat. Two million people in Florida, from construction to agriculture, work outside in often humid, blazing heat. For years, many of them have asked for rules to protect them from heat: paid rest breaks, water, and access to shade when temperatures soar. After years of negotiations, such rules were on the agenda in Miami-Dade County, home to an estimated 300,000 outdoor workers. But the new law, signed Thursday evening, blocks such protections from being implemented in cities and counties across the state. Miami-Dade pulled its local heat protection rule from consideration after the statewide bill passed the legislature in March. "It's outrageous that the state legislature will override the elected officials of Miami Dade or other counties that really recognize the importance of protecting that community of workers," says David Michaels, an epidemiologist at George Washington University and a former administrator at the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). The loss of the local rule was a major blow to Miami-Dade activists and workers who had hoped the county heat protection rules would be in place before summer. In a press conference on Friday, DeSantis said the bill he signed did not come from him. "There was a lot of concern out of one county, Miami-Dade. And I don't think it was an issue in any other part of the state," DeSantis said. "I think they were pursuing something that was going to cause a lot of problems down there." But extreme heat will only get worse. "Last year was the hottest summer in Florida's history. And this year will likely be the hottest summer in Florida's history," says Esteban Wood, director of the advocacy group We-Count, one of the organizations working on heat protections in Miami-Dade. The new law, he says, represents "a profound loss for not only the campaign but for all the families that have for many years been fighting for the minimum—which was just water, shade and rest, and the right to return home after work alive."
  9. We saw it coming years in advance.
  10. Putin is team conflict - anything to distract the U.S. and cause division. He buys weapons from Iran and he wants to keep that pipeline alive and kicking. But he really doesn’t give a single flying fuck about who’s right or who’s wrong in the conflict. He only cares about how he can exploit it to further his own ends.
  11. Most of conservative white America has never gotten over the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Reagan hated them. They’ve had an obsession with suppressing the black vote since emancipation.
  12. What’s the super villain parallel to Batman and Robin?
  13. Do they complain that it violates the first amendment? That would be on brand.
  14. If we supported Ukraine like we supported the Taliban then this war would’ve been over long ago and Russia would’ve won. They’re not remotely similar.
  15. Most Republicans in the House want to send aide to Ukraine. It’s just Johnson (I.e. Trump) and a handful of extremists blocking it. The thing is that any Republican in the House who cooperates with the Dems and goes against Trump on anything will get primaried and lose their seat. So even if they’re sane and moderate they can’t do anything about it because teaming up with the Dems would be a political death sentence.
  16. I don’t think they had stepsisters stuck in clothes dryers back then.
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