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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. The only surprise is that it took her this long to flip.
  2. Yeah, one has plans tomorrow (they’re normally off on Wednesday but that prevents a reschedule) and another has an early afternoon flight on Friday. Monday is a holiday. You don’t want the jury to start deliberations on Thursday then break for a long weekend so they’ll get started on Tuesday.
  3. Right on. That’s pretty much what I was expecting. I assume the temp gauge is already installed in the dome. That’s as high tech as the WSM gets. Now I need to get a new remote meat thermometer. I’ve had bad luck with Maverick. Never had one that lasted more than one season. I’d buy one at Home Depot because I needed it right away and it would inevitably fail on me. I stopped by Home Depot today to pick up apple wood chunks and they don’t even have Maverick anymore. They have ThermoPro. My initial search for ThermoPro reviews hasn’t turned up anything positive.
  4. He can’t speak without lying. It’s a pathos. His lawyers know this. That’s why they never let him testify under oath. He always says he wants to but he never actually will. Anyone who thought he might testify hasn’t figured this out yet. There was never a chance that he’d testify.
  5. Well, it looks like it’s going to take me a little time to decide on a new PC, I figured I’d just walk into Micro Center and walk out with a model that satisfied me like last time. Not so. Maybe I’ll wind up building one myself. Either way I’ve got more research to do. No need to research what new smoker I want. So yesterday I pulled the trigger and ordered the 18” WSM from Lowe’s. It’s due on Friday so I can smoke on Memorial Day, weather permitting. I paid $419 but I’ve got a discount card that will give me 10% cash back so ultimately it will cost less than ordering from Amazon. I assume it’s going to be pretty easy to assemble.
  6. I’ve been really stoned while listening to Mountain Jam on numerous occasions.
  7. Fuck Thomas, fuck Alito, and while we’re at it fuck the whole Bush family, especially the two Georges who appointed those pathetic, corrupt, anti-democratic pieces of shit.
  8. Your uncle didn’t produce you, dumbass. You’re father did. And he was no genius. He was just a racist asshole making his living in real estate just like you.
  9. This is badass. In Las Vegas, in the Sphere, Dead & Co. take you inside Barton Hall.
  10. “Following that exchange, Mrs Alito was distraught and hung the flag upside down ‘for a short time.’’” “For a short time?” How many days was the flag hung upside down “for a short time?” Two days? Three days?
  11. It was confirmed to my satisfaction. The comments were made to Ron Suskind and he reported them in his book The Price of Loyalty about former Alcoa CEO Paul O’Neill’s stint as Bush’s first Sec. of the Treasury. If I recall it was a few years later when someone who was present for the conversation, one or two people, came out and named Rove as the person who said it. Rove denied it, of course. Suskind wouldn’t confirm it but he didn’t deny it either. I don’t see why anyone would be motivated to attribute the quote to Rove if he didn’t say it. Karl appears often enough in the book that I’m sure Suskind interviewed him, probably multiple times. And it certainly sounds like the sort of thing ol’ “Turd Blossom” would say. I’m convinced he said it. That’s a great book, btw. O’Neill’s stay was brief in the Bush/Cheney administration and Suskind’s book gave us one of the first peaks behind the curtain. It caused a stir when it disclosed: ”O’Neill had been made to understand by various colleagues in the White House that the President should not be expected to read reports. In his personal experience, the President didn’t even appear to have read the short memos he sent over. ”That made it especially troubling that Bush did not ask any questions. There are so many worth asking about each of these areas, O’Neill thought as he sat quietly, dozens of queries running through his head. ”’This meeting was like many of the meetings I would go to over the course of two years,’ he recalled. ‘The only way I can describe it is that, well, the President is like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people. There is no discernible connection.’” O’Neill also shared that Iraq was on the itinerary at the very first cabinet meeting and quoted Dick Cheney as telling him, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”
  12. Or it’s made up bullshit and didn’t actually happen.
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