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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. That Dark Star > Sugar Mag > Caution is so badass. The Dark Star turns very Sugar Mag-ish for quite awhile before they make the segue. And the segue is really smooth. So is the segue from Sugar Mag into Caution. Phil starts playing it during the closing climax of Sunshine Daydream and Billy picks it up then off they go. That whole suite is pretty, well, sweet. Seriously, though, the jam from Dark Star into Sugar Magnolia is special. I left for home a little after totality, while the eclipse was still going on, and threw on disc 3. The Dark Star played while things were still a little shadowy and I was still buzzing over what I’d just seen (emotionally, not chemically), then by SSDD the eclipse was over and I was grooving in full sunlight. It was pretty sweet. I listened to Dark Side of the Moon yesterday to get ramped up for the event. This isn’t the Dead but it’s Dead family and it fits too.
  2. He found the exception that proves the rule, apparently.
  3. Yep, I listened to a guy on NPR a month or so ago talking about how you should do whatever you can to get in the path of totality, and as deep into it as you can get. He emphasized how precious it is and how you should try to get as much time in totality as possible. He was right. I could’ve stayed home, gone to the northernmost part of Dublin and seen 1:23 of totality. I could’ve stopped in Delaware and seen 2:35 of totality. Instead I drove on to Marion and got 3:34 of totality. Every extra second of jaw-dropping wonder was worth it. I’m so lucky that I could leave a little after noon and be back around 5:00.
  4. Home, home again. (I like to be here when I can.) Traffic was worse on the way home than it was on the way there but I took the “scenic route” on the way home. Bad idea. (It was scenic, though.) What a successful day. Congrats to everyone who got to see it. I feel very fortunate to have finally gotten to see a total solar eclipse. I doubt I’ll ever see another. Truly remarkable.
  5. Amazing. That was even cooler than I was expecting. I’m glad I made the trip. One of the most awesome things I’ve ever experienced.
  6. I made it to Marion, OH by about 1:30. Stopped at a Speedway to relieve myself. I was heading toward the fairgrounds but then I was passing by Harding High School and noticed an almost empty parking lot with these two ladies parked and sitting in their chairs. There are only a few other cars in the lot. I’m counting 9 total not including mine. It’ll probably fill up more by eclipse time but I got a good spot close to the exit for easy getaway. Eclipse glasses passed the test. I’m ready to go. Here are my neighbors:
  7. School was open? We’ve got 50 districts that have canceled school for the eclipse.
  8. Btw, this was one of the coolest pics I saw from the 2017 total eclipse, the shadow of the moon taken from the ISS.
  9. Maybe this has been covered, but if you don’t want to stand under a tree, you can make a pinhole camera of sorts. Punch a small hole in a piece of heavy stock paper or cardboard and let the sun project through that onto a sheet of paper and watch the eclipse that way. If you’re in the path of totality, you can look up when the sun is completely covered. Watching just the corona is safe and I’m betting it will be pretty fucking awesome. Just look away again as soon as the sun peaks out.
  10. I’m going to leave the photography to the professionals and just watch the eclipse. I heard someone on tv yesterday say watch your first eclipse, photograph your second one, so if you’ve been through this before then have at it. But the guy said he’s seen people so busy looking at their cameras that they miss the eclipse and then don’t even get a good photo. I am considering just turning on the video on my phone and pointing it randomly at the crowd to document their reactions while we all watch. Hopefully we’ll get clear skies. The forecast everywhere I look is partly cloudy. It’s clear right now.
  11. What’s happened to Pete Davidson that he’d ever settle for those skanks? Make it Michael Cohen. Or better yet, Hunter Biden. I see atomheartbevo had the same thought.
  12. It will probably happen quickly. As soon as he’s no longer useful.
  13. Get some crushed dried peppers to put on your pizza.
  14. Posting this a day early because I won’t have time to do it tomorrow. This will be my driving music on my way to a deeper spot in the path of totality tomorrow. (I might be ably to stay home and get 43 seconds of totality but I don’t trust that. I’m going to drive and try to get at least 3 minutes, hopefully more.) If you want to get right to the heart of the matter, check out how the second set ends. What a combo:
  15. “Pretty big bunny, huh?” That’s so Joe. I’m reminded of this: vs. this:
  16. 41-yd rush by Mataeo Durant gets them to the 11. A couple more Mataeo runs and they’re on the 3 with about :25 left. Take a couple steps backward and fall down to set up the FG. Stoops about to go down. With :02 left, the FG is good. St. Louis wins 27-24.
  17. Wide right! Arlington misses the FG! Still tied with 1:55 left. St. Louis, led by AJ McCarron, has a chance to win it.
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