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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Because you and I and millions of other people know who he is.
  2. Still walking free, still contending for the presidency, still hasn’t suffered any real consequences. Still grifting, still conning the rubes, still getting away with everything the justice system is supposed to be stopping him from doing like defaming his rape victim. Oh, he lost that trial? Twice? Let him lose it a third time. It won’t stop him. So what do we have to celebrate? If he manages to seize presidential power again, it all goes away. Even state charges. He’ll throw his Justice Dept. and IRS and DHS and ICE (in unidentified “little green men” fashion like he did in Portland) and potentially even CIA at any perceived enemy.
  3. Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular?
  4. Dole was an early representative of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska who was later deeply intertwined with Paul Manafort and the Trump campaign. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/ncna1285565
  5. The double-standards and hypocrisy are mind-bottling.
  6. Especially when it comes to boasting about his own intelligence.
  7. That’s it. I’ve tried explaining this to my mom too. She doesn’t seem to realize how “her party” has evolved from Eisenhower to Nixon to Reagan, Bush, and now Trump. I’ve told her that if she always votes Republican no matter what they stand for then she has no standards or values or fixed principles of any kind. She’s just a sports fan with a favorite team. I’ve also told her she’d vote for Lucifer himself as long as he had an “R” next to his name on the ballot.
  8. Republicans are on tv constantly advertising to the world that we have open borders. They know exactly what they’re doing.
  9. I’ve told my mom that “when you’re on the same side as klansmen and neo-Nazis, you’re on the wrong side.” It didn’t move the needle. She was, however very much bothered by a story she’d heard about Joe Biden boasting that he graduated in the top half of his class when he actually didn’t. That was serious business. I hadn’t heard about that one so I googled it. Lo and behold it was a story from 1987 that Fox News dug up and no doubt repeated to her over and over again every night during prime time for a week or more. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/vintage-biden-clip-resurfaces-law-school
  10. Of course. “Imagine four Taylor Swifts dressed in suits and ties.” (Can’t remember who said it.) I don’t look forward to that day but the whole world is going to come to a standstill when Paul actually dies for real.
  11. That was my first thought. I don’t know if it counts but whatever. Solid tune…
  12. Mission accomplished.
  13. That hasn’t happened anywhere else yet.
  14. WhatTheBuck


    A musician friend of mine used to play in a band called Toast.
  15. We can only hope. After the shooting in Parkland failed to bring on any change in leadership, I don’t have much hope. Fingers crossed, though.
  16. I don’t know. The Apprentice was probably the best thing that ever happened to him. Without that (and then Twitter), he’d probably still be doing commercials for fast food and laundry detergent.
  17. It depends on your desires. If you’re pro-fascism and pro-Putin, you favor his lapdog Trump. If you’re pro-democracy and pro-Ukraine, you favor the old Cold Warrior Biden.
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