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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. It’s hard to stay calm and collective reading through that shit.
  2. That’s 90k since last April. Works out to about 2k a week. I’ve taken a couple of long breaks. Should be over 100k by now if I was hustling nonstop. I plan on using quick connects for the air lines. I’ll T from the existing point so that if someone else needs to hook my trailer they can. Not sure about the rebuild time frame on the new X15. The older Cummins you would start looking at it around 5-600k
  3. About to turn 90k Got an engine light this evening. Just got off the phone with the shop. More than likely just a service due light. I’ve been running hard and went over on my service interval. But over all it’s running strong and still no complaints. Got the 1/4 fender replaced and had a step box put on earlier this week. I’m wanting to run my air lines through the rear of the tractor and under the trailer. Onece I get them moved I’m going to have all the shiny shit polished.
  4. They got me out here bumping docks like a dirty damn door swinger.
  5. They got me out here bumping docks like a dirty damn door swinger.
  6. I looked it up and that’s Long Haul Paul. He’s got a couple of decent tunes.
  7. No but I watched this the other night. Hey I’m watching Moonfire. Check it out now on Prime Video! https://watch.amazon.com/detail?asin=B000YFV6HM&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web It’s bad.
  8. I’ve stumbled across a gold mine. A group of truck drivers that cook meals in their trucks. For my first post I present “Dinner for hubby and me Cut steak mashed potatoes with gravy and salad”
  10. Sunset over the Mississippi River on 57.
  11. What in the actual fuck? Why would anyone choose to live like this?
  12. Someone else told me that the wood floors were used in factories that had a lot of vibrating machinery. Like South Austin’s moms house.
  13. Really old warehouse in Wheeling WV. Was looking at this cobble stone floor and I realized it was actually wood. Anyone ever seen this before? Now I’m thinking I want to do the floors in the house this way. On a side note if you’re ever driving around Wheeling WV in a long nose Pete with a spread axle trailer make sure to watch the signs and don’t miss your turn.
  14. So you’re a narc?
  15. Best meal I had on the island . https://www.laparrilladejuanholbox.com
  16. Trading pussy for Popeyes at the petro in Ontario?
  17. Loving End of the fucking world. What a great sound track too.
  18. By the time we were done she paid me.
  19. That’s fucking glorious. Dude should own it. He would be an instant surly legend, well he already is but by bailing he won’t get to enjoy it. I always check links before I hit reply.
  20. Can someone enlighten me on the “Now this”? I missed it.
  21. Honestly I’ve seen maybe 2 in the last 5 years. Neither was hot enough to risk the stds. Back in the day, from what I’ve been told) $20 was the going rate for a hummer.
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