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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. It only works like that for heavy haul now I believe. Seem to me the lighter it is the better it pays. But when I say lighter it’s usually speciality stuff not bulk items like lumber and other building materials. I know sometime they will change the rate on a steel load if it’s light but I try to avoid that.
  2. I believe if I find a load that I really like I can get Mercer to broker it. But I don’t know the process. Also by the time two brokers step on it it’s usually not a good paying load anymore.
  3. We don’t go by weight. Our pay is based on per mile. My goal is $2/ mile but these light loads are worth it for the savings in fuel. My average loaded mile since August is $1.93 right now with approx 13% deadhead.
  4. Another heavy one. Lol Orlando to Richmond VA. 9000#
  5. I can go to Canada (not a felon) but I choose not to. I’m running for Mercer.
  6. I’m not running under my own numbers yet.
  7. I’ve gotta say buying my own truck has been the best decision I’ve ever made. Everyone I talked to said it would be at least a year before we became profitable. And that may be true before I start seeing real money but we are catching up on all the start up cost and that truck account is looking better and better every week. I’m parked in Wildwood FL tonight. It’s a real trip because I used to come through here all the time 20 years ago. Every row in wildwood was the party row but it’s dead quite here tonight. Between the guys wanting to polish your tanks and wheels to the lot lizzards wanting to polish your knob it was hard to get a full nights sleep. The little polish shed across the street is now a legit shop. My how things change. If I don’t get a load tomorrow I might swing through the cafe risqué for old times sake.
  8. Yep. Been hustling. Current load 2000lbs from San Antone to Tampa. Doing work today. Gotta keep that door closed to make money.
  9. Fuck you. I have an aneurism now.
  10. Anyone get the Austin presale code? I never got an email.
  11. Is this it? https://verifiedfan.ticketmaster.com/sturgillsimpson?mkt_campaign=BD4L9WM902175YS3PCJIL06M
  12. Anyone got the hook up for presale codes for Austin? One of the ticket sites is already listing floor seats for $400 plus and they aren’t even available yet.
  13. I made an executive decision. 65 to monkey town and through the woods. No Atlanta for me today.
  14. If this wasn’t a rush load I’d try to use more of the deck. They were waiting on me to pull in the gate and the job is shut down until I get there. They are expecting it Thursday. Lol. 3 days to do 900 miles? What has this industry come too? I told them if they have more good loads like this to call me. I should be there this evening. As long as traffic isn’t too bad in Atlanta. If it wasn’t for these e logs I could have been there by lunch today. So this load pays good and helps build my rep with the agent.
  15. I can’t stop smiling about this load. Its some kind of hydraulic pump, one in each box. Picked up in Springfield, MO going to GA. Less than 1000lbs and paying over $2000. Definition of a money maker.
  16. My name is Dolemite was awesome. I didn’t know Rudy Ray Moore’s story but I want to believe that this was factual. Had me cheering for the crew by the end.
  17. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thank_You_(Falettinme_Be_Mice_Elf_Agin)
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