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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. Welp this is going to be a crazy new adventure. Got assigned my first tour. It’s a K-Pop band called G Idle. We are all stickerd and tagged up and ready to roll out tomorrow. I absolutely hate having the name on the door. It just looks so generic. Was told I can change it so when I find a place and have time I’m probably going to change the “silver” lettering to silver leaf. Should at least make it pop.
  2. Stopped in Eloy on my way to Phoenix to get all the shiny bit polished up. They put the sparkle put back into ole Sparkle Cake. I should find out today which tour I will be starting on.
  3. This pic was coming in to Claude Tx just outside of Amarillo. It went from 112* to 68* and back up to 108* in 20 miles.
  4. Got the call today. I go to orientation for Stage Call in Phoenix next Tuesday. not gonna lie. I’m kind of excited about this one. couple of pics from this week.
  5. That sounds high. I’m not good at math though. April 2019 to June 2024. 460,000 miles
  6. I went with the same exact motor. When you start changing things it leads to other changes and more problems.
  7. At a coal mine in Elgin. Who knew? Any way it was shut down years ago and the are doing a reclamation project. They couldn’t sell the old drag lines so they are tearing them down and selling off the parts.
  8. It was $50k and I’ve heard it’s not uncommon for artists to give out bonuses at the end of tours her stuff is just more publicized. I’d fit right in with the carnies but no. Big pop country acts mostly. (I’ll keep my opinions on artists to my self because I really want this job)
  9. Ole sparkle cake is back up and running. Had a few loads to shake the new motor down. So far so good. but now I’m looking at changing companies again. My current company is down to one active customer and they don’t have enough to keep company trucks and owner ops moving at the same time. I been talking to Stage Call and will be trying out the entertainment industry for a while. Seems like the only thing that slows them down is global pandemics. (Damn I probably shouldn’t have said that)
  10. Tap x to hike the ball and it auto hands off to HB. Hold x to keep the ball with the qb and then your pass options are available.
  11. Anyone else losing the coach up grade coins in Dynasty? They show after the game but when I go back to the hub they are gone.
  12. How in the fuck does the other teams DB always jump 20 feet in the air 10 yards away from the ball to swat it down on every fucking pass while my DB politely waits for them to catch the ball for a 49 yard gain on 3rd and 20?
  13. This was a bridge on I20 in Baird, Tx. the overpass at the loves if you know where that is.
  14. New indoor arena for Tarleton State in Stephenville, Tx IMG_0320.mov
  15. While I wait to get my truck back here is a pic of setting a bridge on 29 in Lubbock.
  16. I do not recommend blowing a steer tire on I-10 running nearly 80mph. It will get your heart pumping but it’s not a fun experience. the truck is a loaner while mine is having heart replacement surgery.
  17. I get that. But if I don’t want to do something I can tell them to fuck off. And I REALLY don’t like having to ask if I can go home.
  18. With the new ones you start preparing for an in frame around 500k and hope to get 600-700 out of it.
  19. I had 2 options. Do an in frame or swap motors. The swap was a little more expensive if you don’t figure in lost revenue due to down time. The long block alone was $30k. I’m going to be looking at around $50k out the door.
  20. That’s awesome that you’d even think to do that but it’s really not necessary and I wouldn’t feel comfortable accepting it. I’m lazy and forgetful but I promise to try and post more on here. 7FD139CD-BDBA-46F8-A5DB-AA82470C530F.mov Out with the old.
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