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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. Wasn’t me. I was visiting family in SC.
  2. Tap x to hike the ball and it auto hands off to HB. Hold x to keep the ball with the qb and then your pass options are available.
  3. Anyone else losing the coach up grade coins in Dynasty? They show after the game but when I go back to the hub they are gone.
  4. How in the fuck does the other teams DB always jump 20 feet in the air 10 yards away from the ball to swat it down on every fucking pass while my DB politely waits for them to catch the ball for a 49 yard gain on 3rd and 20?
  5. This was a bridge on I20 in Baird, Tx. the overpass at the loves if you know where that is.
  6. New indoor arena for Tarleton State in Stephenville, Tx IMG_0320.mov
  7. While I wait to get my truck back here is a pic of setting a bridge on 29 in Lubbock.
  8. I do not recommend blowing a steer tire on I-10 running nearly 80mph. It will get your heart pumping but it’s not a fun experience. the truck is a loaner while mine is having heart replacement surgery.
  9. I get that. But if I don’t want to do something I can tell them to fuck off. And I REALLY don’t like having to ask if I can go home.
  10. With the new ones you start preparing for an in frame around 500k and hope to get 600-700 out of it.
  11. I had 2 options. Do an in frame or swap motors. The swap was a little more expensive if you don’t figure in lost revenue due to down time. The long block alone was $30k. I’m going to be looking at around $50k out the door.
  12. That’s awesome that you’d even think to do that but it’s really not necessary and I wouldn’t feel comfortable accepting it. I’m lazy and forgetful but I promise to try and post more on here. 7FD139CD-BDBA-46F8-A5DB-AA82470C530F.mov Out with the old.
  13. That’s pretty similar to my reaponse
  14. Anyone in the market for some gently used oil pump bearings? Here’s the story. Had a low oil pressure warning so I shut it down. Was able to get an oil pressure sensor. (With these new motors it’s always a sensor and never actually mechanical) replaced the sensor and it didn’t fix the issue. So I changed the oil filter. It’s rare but filters have been known to collapse. Fired it up after the filter change and everything went back to normal. I drove the truck for another week without incident. Then it happened again. I was in Stephenville. My shop is in Liberty Hill. This might be where I fucked up. I was showing 20-22psi where normal operating range is 24-30psi. Instead of paying for the tow to the shop which would have been a couple of grand I decided to limp it in. The shop pulled the pan and found the bearings were fucked and that the crank was blued. NOT GOOD! here is my current situation 460,000 miles
  15. I am alive and still a slacker. But I did start an Instagram for ole Sparkle Cake if anyone is into that sort of thing. Apparently I’m too dumb to link it. @SPARKLE_CAKE_389
  16. Been getting some of that new Big XII money lately.
  17. the final result sucked but probably the best time I’ve ever had watching a game.
  18. Juice City Lounge in James Cistern on the island of Eleuthera is now officially a Longhorn Bar. Tell Santee and Rodna Russell sent ya.
  19. Does anyone remember the Baylor beer thief story?
  20. Apparently Tech is spending their new tv money. Thankfully they are sharing some of it with me.
  21. La Playa has always been a go to.
  22. On our way down today. I’m not happy about it. Meeting some of the wife’s family and I don’t like any of them. We usually go down in September or October. I’m already pissed about the crowds and I haven’t even left the house yet. We will be alone tonight. So I need a good recommendation for dinner. Probably the only good time I’ll have for the next couple of days. It’s been 3 years since we’ve been down. Where are the good places to eat now? We always enjoyed Shells but they are gone. Is the Venetian hot plate still there? Is Roosevelt still good?
  23. Are you Traces of Texas? I think I remember him being a shaggy/surly poster.
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