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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. Anybody mention Shit Town yet? https://stownpodcast.org Form the folks that did Serial and This American Life.
  2. If you didn't like game night the problem is you not Bateman.
  3. Lita Ford and Joan Jett. 1/2 of the runaways.
  4. Don't hang that shit on Bateman. He was great it was the Melissa McCarthy shitck that was the problem.
  5. It's a close race with John Cusack but I think yes. Name one bad thing he's been in.
  6. The Clapper was a good low budget indie. Worth a watch. The Gift. A great little psychological thriller. Is there anything Jason Bateman (the greatest actor of my generation) isn't good in?
  7. It's the Heathen Girls. https://selvedgeyard.com/2013/10/15/bon-scott-renny-ellis-richard-ramirez-the-highway-to-hell-is-paved-in-mystery/ So the two on the left are in drag then?
  8. I think this deserves a fuck you on behalf of Willie.
  9. NOPE!! https://youtu.be/LJP1DphOWPs
  10. So much better stuff out there than these old worn out hero trucker bullshit narratives. I'm so tired of hearing about how great truckers are. Hang out in a truck stop for an hour and you will begin to hate these fucks as much as I do.
  11. First of all Lot Lizzard is the preferred nomenclature dude. Best is a very subjective question? And I can't answer that from experience. I can tell you by volume. San Antonio Flying J is still a very active spot where they still advertise on the CB and you can spot them running between trucks. Also Dallas TA seems to be fairly active still even though it's gated and paid parking. Amarillo is also very active with aggressive Lot Lizzards that will knock on your door at 3am.
  12. 59 over the San Jacinto river Just north of Houston. Was told the river is nearly 60' deep here and it was over the road during the Harvey floods.
  13. Are you just discovering sacred steel or are you familiar? Robert Randolph bringing it to the unwashed.
  14. Stones>∞
  15. How do you handle fresh water for the camper? I get the appeal of camping on the beach but what do you do when the tank runs out?
  16. Some before and after pics of the new Modern art museum in Houston.
  17. First concert I ever went to had them opening for Alabama on the 40 hour week tour in 1985.
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