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Everything posted by drifter379

  1. https://noisey.vice.com/en_uk/article/rp7zk6/38-hours-of-playlists-that-trace-the-evolution-of-modern-hip-hop 38 hours worth of hip hop history from 1985 to the present.
  2. Here's an example. Had a flat on my trailer the other night. Was still on the bead not blown out. So I kept going. Got to a truck stop with 15 minutes left on my Elog(electronic log book) if I had pulled into the shop to get it fixed I would have been in violation after it was done and pulled out to find a parking spot. Our log is set to switch to driving between 2-4 mph. So I waited until morning, after my 10 hour reset. Started my clock and went to the shop. Before elog I would have had my tire fixed before I went to bed and been ready to roll after my 10 hour break.
  3. Congressional dish Its a girl that actually watches cspan and reads the bills introduced to Congress and pretty much straight forward tells you what's going on in the house. She has a slight bias but overall sticks to just the facts.
  4. Stranglers is a good one all about the Boston strangler/s
  5. Been using this for over a year. Have seen fancier versions for around $60 but this one works great. https://www.wish.com/m/c/5433010e3a025e0d49179021?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=US&_force_currency_code=USD&pid=googleadwords_int&c=%7BcampaignId%7D&ad_cid=5433010e3a025e0d49179021&ad_cc=US&ad_curr=USD&ad_price=1.00&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkIfPyMGU2gIVESOBCh0ODQ9MEAQYASABEgLm2_D_BwE
  6. Going to NUCOR steel. It's part of a mold. Those super loads are bad ass. How fast would you like to see 500,000lbs going down the road?
  7. She looks like she belongs in fayetteville. Like a failed stripper that went to fayetteville tech.
  8. I played primal and 4. They were the same game in different settings. I stopped playing assasins creed games for the same reason. Is 5 any different or is it the same repetitive missions over and over again?
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