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  1. You might be smarter than me but I can spell “coach”
  2. As a Rockets fan, sorry not sorry. Incredibly dumb move.
  3. Nara Park in Japan. The deer have taught us to bow, then they bow and you give them a deer cracker. One of the coolest things we did there. We also took an underground tour of Osaka which showed us things most tourists don’t see. Tokyo has more Michelin starred restaurants than any other city in the world. Try to go to one or two through the Omakase reservation system( like open table). Go to Tsukiji, the largest fish market in the world
  4. I saw the last 10 minutes on YouTube. Paul singing the medley from abbey Road and Martin Short thanking everyone from the first cast. Jane and Chevy were on the stage.
  5. The show cutoff right after the Schiller short in Houston. No McCartney or anything else:(.
  6. msbesq

    Led Zeppelin

    I’m a big fan and I saw the documentary last night. Fantastic and fun. It brought back a lot of memories for me. Saw them in Dallas when I was 16 and paid $4 for the ticket( the going rate in the mid-70s:).
  7. I changed from Travelers to Geico. The cars are about the same but the house is half of what it was.
  8. As an old guy who watched the show from the beginning as a 17 year old, the show and this movie spoke to me. It is a fantastic movie and brought me back to those days. It was such a cultural phenomenon and we watched the show every Saturday night and then went out and partied.
  9. Honestly, I thought Parker and Allen were already in. I saw both play and they were great in their prime. Glad they finally made it. Really sorry Allen isn’t alive to enjoy it.
  10. I did not watch one second of that shitshow. I win.
  11. Bringing him back if he makes the tournament would also be insane
  12. Thanks for the info. I'll check. Sorry she's happily married and the mother of my 5 year old grandson:).
  13. I have a ton of cards from the 60’s and 70’s including Mantles, Aarons, Gibsons, Mays, etc and football cards including Staubach, Bradshaw, Namath etc. I have no idea what they’re worth( most are in very good condition) but I was told to have them graded at $50 per and there's no way I’m going to pay that. I’ll just give them to my daughter and she can make a decision.
  14. I want every game from now on to be on Nickelodeon. That was fantastic and funny.
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