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Everything posted by msbesq

  1. Also used primarily as a fullback for LA.
  2. Denon 3700h receiver as a pre/pro running through a Parasound A52 amp. ML Foundation 2s for the front, ML center, 2 Deftech subs, Deftech in walls for the rear, Oppo 205 universal dvd and LG C-1 all run through a Panamax line conditioner.
  3. Going to Jazzfest this weekend. Will definitely see the Foos and Neil Young plus a host of local acts. Really like Bonerama and Kermit Ruffins.
  4. Curb, then everything else ever made way below it.
  5. John Harris said that he likes Fisher better than Alt.
  6. The video card is shot. If you feel really handy, it can be replaced, but the cost, time and effort probably aren’t worth it with the amount of TV you get for your money these days.
  7. OTs and QBs breathe a sigh of relief throughout the league.
  8. Longtime afternoon broadcaster on 97.5 in Houston. He was only 59.
  9. Jay Smith would be an improvement.
  10. Platinum members are free. The card costs me $695 per year but I get a lot of benefits that offset most, if not all, of the cost. Guests are free if you spend $75,000 or more per year or the cost is $50 per guest access. The clubs are great, but like all airport clubs, they can get very crowded.
  11. BW got screwed
  12. Sorry. It was a joke. A famous line from the movie Marathon Man between Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier.
  13. Is it safe?
  14. Ended its run after 29 years this week. Best sports journalism show on TV. Very expensive to produce and if HBO is done with it, it’s probably gone for good. I’ll miss it.
  15. 61 is the new 27. Andre, Tony Bourdain, Norm, Rowdy Roddy, etc.
  16. Captain Ray Holt. RIP, that sucks.
  17. I’m in Kyoto right now and really excited. I’m sure the Japanese people in my hotel were thrilled with my YES! at 2:30 a.m. Hook ‘Em!
  18. msbesq

    Getting old sucks

    One reason I did the PAE was because it doesn’t require a catheter. Dr. underplayed the post procedure pain but I’m much better now. BTW, urologists hate this procedure because they can’t do it. It’s only done by interventional radiologists.
  19. msbesq

    Getting old sucks

    Had a prostate artery embolization procedure about six weeks ago. Urinary pain was excruciating for 7-8 days but I can now pee much better and with no pain. BPH with a prostate at 101 ml, the size of an orange. Normal is 25 ml, the size of a walnut. I carefully researched all the options and this was best for me.
  20. Just think how much better CJ could be if he only did as well as Bryce Young on the S2 test.
  21. Create an online account at the Harris County Clerk’s website, then do a search in the real property records section and type in your name in the Grantee box. All of your deed records will show up, including the releases. Print them out for free and keep them.
  22. Really nice article about C.J. and his upbringing in ESPN here: Houston Texans rookie QB C.J. Stroud's NFL star is born - ESPN
  23. Going to Osaka, Nara, Kyoto and Tokyo in November-December for two weeks. Staying in Shinjuku in Tokyo and taking the Shinkansen from Osaka to Tokyo. We’re taking tours of the cities and Mt. Fuji(taking the bus to the 5th station). We’re really looking forward to the trip.
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