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Everything posted by msbesq

  1. He broke her neck. His NBA career is over.
  2. We have lived in Katy for 25 years: Pros—schools are still good but book banning has come and book burning can’t be far behind. Cons—see above, massive quantities of aggy, almost as conservative and white Christian as Conroe now( used to be greater heterogeneity), traffic( endemic to all of Houston)
  3. msbesq


    Sign in to your Amex account. Go to Account, then Payment Tools and you can add Apple Pay, not Samsung Pay to your wallet.
  4. msbesq


    Definitely Apple Pay. I don't know about Samsung Pay.
  5. msbesq


    She should be able to get a cash advance from Amex. If you have a platinum card, there is special concierge number on the back. They will help you.
  6. msbesq


    She has full authority to use your Amex card. Give her your number, expiration date and cvv code. Any banks still operating? If so get as much cash from an ATM.
  7. It was excellent and it has a great message for young women from 15-25, who are unsure of their place in the world. Also, pretty damn funny.
  8. Best Buy recycles old electronics other than tvs.
  9. Two and a half years ago, in November, we replaced both units(3.5 and 4 ton, 14 SEER) inside and out and the heaters for $14,000 for Carriers. If you can somehow keep it running until November-December, you may be able to get a better deal since the companies are much slower. We’re in Houston.
  10. msbesq

    Getting old sucks

    Just turned 65 and still alive. Phew!
  11. He started at West Oaks Mall and finished at The Maple Leaf Bar. We started at Sylvia’s Enchiladas and also finished at The Maple Leaf Bar.
  12. He once wrote an article in the Houston Press about walking the length of Westheimer with a friend to discover the real Houston by walking through neighborhoods, shopping centers and office parks. He then decided to re-create the walk with any reader who wanted to join him. About six of us did and we spent a very enjoyable day with him, and yes, we stopped at a liquor store and two bars along the way. RIP.
  13. Wow, sorry about this. We spent an evening together at Sam Houston Racetrack with other people betting and losing but he told great stories and was such a nice guy.
  14. Once Larry is done with HBO this year, then I am done also. Funniest show in TV history as far as I'm concerned. Been a consistent subscriber since the second year of The Sopranos. Liked GOT, didn't like the sequel much.
  15. My soundcores are great noise canceling headphones. We’ll under $200
  16. Did one because my cardiologist asked me to. Can't remember my exact score, but only one three millimeter spot, not in the LAD. Glad I did it. five minutes and cost me $140.
  17. For Normandy and Paris— use Viator.com, they offer a number of Normandy tours. Most involve taking the train to Bayeux, a nice two hour ride through the countryside. Walk the Latin Quarter, it’s lively and fun with a bunch of nice bistros, chocolatiers and shops. The Musee d’Orsay is lighter, brighter and a nicer experience than the Louvre. Takes tour on the Seine. Bayeux Parisians offers a number of price and time options. So much more. We love Paris.
  18. msbesq

    Getting old sucks

    Just signed up for Medicare and a BCBS supplement. Gettin’ old!
  19. Ticky tack bullshit foul to decide the game. Can’t stand the Eagles but that was horrible.
  20. No, but a failed Aggy QB ain’t the answer either.
  21. Jerrod Johnson as QB coach. Ugh!
  22. Pearl and Vine is ok- nothing spectacular. DaVinci’s for Italian is excellent. Very small, reservations required on the weekends. LaCenterra has Perry’s and Rouxpour. Local Table and Dish Society are nice casual places. Pho Saigon has great pho and other really good dishes.
  23. msbesq

    David Crosby RIP

    RIP. His AMA's were fantastic.
  24. What part of town? I really like mine, but I’m in Katy.
  25. msbesq

    Below Deck

    If it's Sandy, once again I'm out.
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