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Everything posted by msbesq

  1. Big win tonight. Both for Silas personally and for the growth of the team.
  2. Arggh. This sucks.
  3. Offer Jay Wright whatever he would want.
  4. Jay Wright: Come out of retirement and come on down.
  5. The North and West are beautiful. Roscommon, Sligo and Donegal. Do yourself a favor and watch a short YouTube video on the roundabouts. There are many more of them in Ireland than in England.
  6. KHOU starting at 11:00 a.m.
  7. msbesq

    Below Deck

  8. Met him 3 years ago and he didn't look well then. Excellent drummer. RIP
  9. We’re going in October and staying in the 8th arrondissement at the Hotel Madelaine. We’ll also pay our respects at Normandy for one day of the trip.
  10. Just got back from two weeks in Venice, Florence, Tuscany and Rome. We had a fabulous time and Michelangelo's David is the most magnificent sculpture I've ever seen. Food was great, wine was great--never more than 5 euros a glass, vistas were beautiful and the people were friendly. The shopkeepers were glad to see Americans come back and we had an incredible time.
  11. msbesq

    John Clayton RIP

    Don Banks, Dr. Z, Frank Deford and John Clayton. The old guard is gone.
  12. Stewart, Fonda, Niven and Gable were all older with wives or families and all served. And then there's this from military.com: https://www.military.com/history/why-john-wayne-was-labeled-draft-dodger-during-world-war-ii.html
  13. We have different definitions of what an American icon should look like and act and represent to the world.
  14. Wayne was a chicken shit and refused to even go overseas to entertain the troops during WWII, even after his close friend and mentor, John Ford begged him. Bogart served in the Navy during WWI. Wayne's birds of a feather--Ward Bond and Walter Brennan were racist and anti-Semitic. Marion looked good on a horse but he couldn't hold a candle to HB as an actor or as human being. HB was much more of an American icon. He and Bacall fought very publicly against HUAC, while Wayne embraced it.
  15. Berk lived next door to me off of Riverside. Strange but nice guy.
  16. He’s been replaced with Vanessa Richardson and Paul Gallant. No bueno.
  17. Best sports radio host in Houston.
  18. You mean the same Lovie Smith who got a Rex Grossman led team to the Super Bowl?
  19. A total shitshow. There are only 32 of these in the world and they're treating this franchise like a Double A minors team. The team is wrecked until McNair sells and/or gets rid of Easterby. Neither is happening anytime soon and neither is a winning season.
  20. Flores won't come here. He has several better options. This is the land of the desperate misfit toys.
  21. As Morten Andersen said on 60 minutes, 90% is mental and the other 10% is mental.
  22. Sunday at 3:15
  23. msbesq

    RIP Gerg

    Man, he could coach defense. He will be missed.
  24. An enrolled agent specifically represents people with IRS issues. many CPA's don't deal with the IRS directly.
  25. Search for an enrolled agent in your area. A tax lawyer is too expensive and will eat up the alleged deficit in a heartbeat.
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