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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bevo14

  1. I hope not. Then I'll be kinda sad that Bama isn't on our schedule. Our starting NT would feast. Probably the backups as well
  2. finally, a true challenger for @closetojumping in the 40 emerges
  3. “It’s whoever wants to pay the most money, raise the most money, buy the best players, is going to have the best opportunity to win,” Saban said. “I don’t think that’s the spirit of college athletics. I don’t think that’s ever been the spirit of what we want college athletics to be.
  4. If he's really that good, I think it makes sense to recruit him. Doesn't really matter what Lacey says. If he's visiting other schools, then they should pursue other QBs that they like.
  5. If you're not keeping 3 girlfriends on the backburner, you're doing it wrong.
  6. Bevo14

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    I don't think he'll still be there at #32 after that combine, but it would be hilarious if the rest of the NFL let it happen. The rich get richer.
  7. I figured just about everybody else thought this way about the game too, which is why I was pissed when it went away since I didn't give a shit about having real players in the game back then, and I still don't. The players can do what they want, I'm just going to cut them in favor of my 6'9 recruits with 4.16 speed anyway.
  8. I'm not sure a sooner is smart enough to manage money or manipulate a donor base. Those efforts would require at least a double digit IQ.
  9. Looked like he was joking around, but he's been exposed to Tech edumucation now so it's hard to tell.
  10. I'm hoping for that and a PC/Steam release.
  11. They grow on trees and the portal always has some nice ones. I'm usually most interested in the trenches.
  12. Clearly some of you assholes are less desperate than me. They could port NCAA 14, slap a new title and a $100 price tag on it and I'd still line up at midnight for it. It's been a fucking decade ffs.
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