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Everything posted by Ldogg53

  1. This one is on you. Sure her actions were maddening, but fuck giving up control of meat choice that you’re going to cook to her. No matter how tired you are, a quick run to scoop up some sausage and beer or whatever else manly shit you wanted would have been easy.
  2. Jesus that’s filthy.
  3. Thank goodness they won. Now for sure the Rockets will win.
  4. She was trying to get the fuel level back to 3/8 of a tank to return the rental. Previously she had spent $27 to fill the tank. So maths were being done to figure out how much gas to put in to get it from 1/4 to 3/8. Woman flubbed the math. But yeah mullet did a stellar job making that easy to figure it out. I think I read it 4-5 times before getting it.
  5. Sucked that it was an Astros fan. But otherwise yeah.
  6. I haven’t listened to 610 since John and Lance left a decade ago.
  7. Fuck. This is beyond just being in a slump. Something is clearly wrong with his approach and swing right now.
  8. The latest shots with the blue flames are just amazing. Mother Nature is one bad ass bitch.
  9. Why do you feel it necessary to have a basis? Being decent to your fellow humans is enough for me. Try to cause no harm to others.
  10. I mean I’m here for half the games. Oh and 3putt and scraps showed up. Huge came by with mini-huge at lunch.
  11. Only reason I know is I have 2 friends on Facebook that constantly share his posts.
  12. At Lucky’s drinking. Winning is so much more fun than losing.
  13. Agreed completely.
  14. Yeah I've gotten pretty good at it as well. Worst case it takes me 2 tries to get one down if it's in the open. I've noticed that lately the big pucks with the 500 and 300 haven't been out. Not sure how they recycle them in. Rolled into a D&B last week to do the free $20 charge since I was by it and just walked in to see if there was something to snipe. All that was left was the E to get the bonus, so I swiped and got it on my first try. 2,250 jackpot. That was a solid win. Noticed some other "pros" in there as well. One dude at the Oz coin game had a small bucket full of the plastic chips and had stacks of cards wrapped up with rubber bands. Easily had 60+ cards with him.
  15. Heard yesterday before the game that Stassi was batting like .125 against RHP but .500 against LHP. Is there a place to check stats like that?
  16. I'll be at Buck's/Lucky's for lunch before game. Then hitting the game. Come meet up.
  17. Will be there Wednesday before the Astros game. You better have you specials available this time!!
  18. Gotdamn that Bronco is sexy as fuck.
  19. Yeah so I met the shooter about 18 months ago. Younger brother of one of my vendors. Ran into them at the Ren Fest. All I remember about him was that he seemed autistic or something. Hearing the interviews where people say he was bullied doesn’t surprise me at all.
  20. Oh shit. I know the family.
  21. No good. Pick a different hosting site.
  22. No sauce needed to toss our salad?
  23. Statistically it was most likely that she would be fine physically. The important thing is how the kids are doing emotionally.
  24. Lol... it's insanity!! I hope these guys stay healthy all season and can keep this up. I think even non-Astros fans will start to appreciate just how epic they've been.
  25. Wasn't it just a snapshot of those 2 years and not an actual trendline? Of course would like to know total #s vs population increase etc...
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