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Everything posted by Richter

  1. That stuff is great for butt chugging
  2. Yeah I think only Oregon has a better QB of the teams left
  3. I want the Vols to win this one bc I hate OSU and I think Vols have a better shot to take down Oregon I have no confidence in Will Howard and Ryan Day
  4. I think ASU is much less of a threat that Clemson
  5. Attempts to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory were unsuccessful
  6. Sark is possibly one of the most retarded in game head coaches I’ve seen. Good play called but someone else needs to be making the major decisions
  7. We need to go man coverage and send the fire after Klubnik
  8. Looks like Dicker the Kicker
  9. We can dream at least. I think we try to create some drama like a WWE match.
  10. Hopefully now that we’ve recovered Sark will stop overthinking stuff
  11. A FG would have made a good difference and then just keep running sweeps. But instead we make things hard as usual
  12. I think you probably would have gotten more RSVPs if you had Helobius giving out complimentary handies at the tailgate.
  13. What do you think changed his mind?
  14. We need to support Helobius in these trying times...
  15. Yes, he's sure a handy guy to have around supporting the team.
  16. Get to cranking, Helobius.
  17. Will Dabo be rocking those camo pants and the "blue steel" expression on his face?
  18. That's a stretch. The headline doesn't even mention sheep as the victim.
  19. Sorry, got that backwards. Mental lapse, but Napoleon broke the code...
  20. It just occurred to me that we probably would have won the SEC if Auburn had beaten A&M. Oh well
  21. Seems like with this new portal & NIL system, roster management & retention is a bigger deal more than ever. It would probably take years if you had as much roster turnover as FSU, OU, & A&M. Those and others seem to looking forward to substantial rebuilds. Places like LSU that don't have the cash to keep up with the Joneses might do better with a more developmental conservative approach than star-chasing.
  22. I’m all for spicing up our harsh critiques with a little more style, so it makes sense to include patterns. I propose adding “shitting his pants argyle” to the collective lexicon.
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