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Coelenterate Fuccboi

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Everything posted by Coelenterate Fuccboi

  1. Probably should have been a false start. Manning was moving forward before the snap.
  2. Playoffs and expensive tickets are going to be killers to games like these.
  3. Quinn scrambled and made a play! Today might be a good day.
  4. Embrace the hate. It’s a stupid thing to get upset about.
  5. They were moving the ball with ease. Go with what’s working until it doesn’t.
  6. One, Quinn doesn’t pump fake enough. They know when he’s going to throw.
  7. It’s like you MFers never played chess. Coaches don’t run these plays thinking they are going to succeed every time. In fact, they probably know the probability of getting more than a few l, or any, yards is low. It’s about keeping the defense guessing which direction the play is going. Horizontal plays and subsequent motion moves the defense forward and towards the sidelines, opening up the middle and deep passing game for big plays. Against Georgia’s talent, a game plan of running up the middle constantly isn’t going to work, especially with the RBs on the roster.
  8. In all seriousness, I regularly travel all over Asia. Any westerner fortunate enough to be in this area is winning.
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