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Coelenterate Fuccboi

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Posts posted by Coelenterate Fuccboi

  1. 27 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Was this guy committed somewhere? Or is this just a purely oblivious 15/16 year old kid who doesn't realize that no one knew he had originally narrowed shit down in the first place?

    Dude could have just pulled a super secret move where he named a top four now, then committed to a completely different school a year from now. That would have been epic.

  2. 15 minutes ago, texaslong said:

    Not sure I've ever seen a program so confident. They haven't beaten LSU since joining the SEC, but that game seems to be a guaranteed win this year. Haven't won National Championship in over 75 years, but they guarantee it will happen under Jimbo's watch. These next couple of years are going to be glorious to watch. 

    I guess you don’t understand that Jimbo Baggins’ ring is the One Ring. It was crafted by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fire of Mount Doom and has control over all other rings of power.

  3. 26 minutes ago, BigHorn'13 said:

    They're owned by aggy and had to shut down operations because listeria killed a couple people and they couldn't keep out of the shit because they are a company ran by aggy. So people get sick and some die. You're up to speed. 

    Thank you. Had seen they were pulled off the shelf at some point, probably a ticker across the bottom of the screen, but never researched why, and didn’t know the aggy relationship. All makes sense now. 

    Aggy roller coaster extends beyond football for sure.

  4. 32 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    There are plenty of blueblood football programs that has never had the opportunity to compete in the Rose Bowl, if for no other reason it should be remembered as a time when a non B1G or PAC school had a chance to play in the game, but also a chance at the national title... (The game finishes different if not for the injury, we all know this)...


  5. 57 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    Do you even Shaggy, bro? We rip on anyone and anything without mercy. It’s like South Park on steroids. We even take pride in tearing into each other for sport. 

    This is not a place for someone with sand in their vagina. 

    Fuck Kevin Morgan.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, coachkiss said:

    This has all become so tiresome. If you repeat something enough, it becomes true. If you can get other people to believe and repeat it, even better. So many things are repeated ad nauseum on this board, and if you disagree, you get insulted by 50 cent words. And, to top it off, there is no way to prove the parrots are wrong.

    This board has become a superfund site.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Should I be wearing a hazmat suit?

  7. 23 minutes ago, TrojanPrincess said:

    Look, my mama passed away, I really don't get why these "your mama" jokes are bandied about outside of the west coast...where I come from, mamas are sacred.

    call me whatever you wish, keep my momma out of your filthy mouth.

    Nothing is sacred here, Princess.

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