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Coelenterate Fuccboi

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Everything posted by Coelenterate Fuccboi

  1. Yes, what football player isn’t at least fighting to get out of the end zone?
  2. You can be such a dumbfuck. You think law enforcement might be a little busy or distracted at the moment. You think they might be vital to preventing a similar situation?
  3. I think it’s time to replace the stripper-marrying monkey dad.
  4. Fuck… defense can’t catch a break. Hahahaha
  5. That’s the all gas no brakes I’ve been wanting to see.
  6. I’ve reached that age where I’m in denial of the need to always use my reading glasses.
  7. There’s already a terrible thread to discuss this. You too lovers take it there.
  8. Damn, now I want Quinn to transfer to Washington.
  9. It takes a special kind of asshole to actively recruit people from one shitty thread to another.
  10. Does this anymouse person think Arch is special?
  11. This is great information. Thank you. However, next time can you provide it here? Thanks.
  12. I think anyone who uses a high draft pick on Sanders is borderline regarded. Jerry Jones enters the chat.
  13. Or maybe you’ll find the same people are for or against these actions, regardless of team affiliation.
  14. This is some awkwardness.
  15. Yeah, nobody would be selfish, putting self above team.
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