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  1. This week’s episode with a great open and “is it Wednesday yet?” close out. Paul’s character with a few ‘show don’t tell’ clues about his condition before the big chat with Jimmy…mad respect for presentations that make an effort in that regard even if I’m sad “I have a big ego” is being foreshadowed out Casting is so good all around…Brian with a couple scene stealers, Derek with The Special, Abby’s new dude fits in well as the Straight Man, etc. Great episode.
  2. There’s an episode of MST3k called Boggy Creek 2, filmed in Arkansas probably mid-90’s. There’s a scene where the protagonists go into some general store and half the riffs sound familiar today: ”it’s the welfare moms sucking us dry” ”liberal!” ”want to contribute to our fund for the war against northern aggression?” ”want this on your klan account?” Those deplorables have always been there, they just finally had a public figure that ‘made it ok’ to say the quiet parts out loud.
  3. I just want to once again log…for the sake of posterity and flipping bits on a hard drive somewhere out there…that “tits, polls, and Bennigan’s” is a perfectly natural flow on the politics board here which simultaneously fills me with unspeakable joy and complete inability to adequately explain to others why I love this place.
  4. “Everything is so expensive under the Demonrats that mah family can barely afford to live”… Fun fact on Space Mutiny: the guy who plays David Rider/Roll Fizzlebeef and the Sexy Senior Citizen are actually married, and she’s younger than him. My sister and I also randomly ask each other if we’ve signed Sherry’s birthday card.
  5. For 18 months I’d heard about the pending recession, ‘economic headwinds’ and how businesses were having to layoff/cut spend/raise prices etc in preparation…bunch of bullshit. Before that it was supply chain issues…which obviously were a factor for months during peak Covid but had long passed in mid-2021. Now it’s ’collaboration and innovation is better in-person’ that large businesses are using to make people’s lives miserable with forced RTO, constant threat of layoffs, jamming more people into fewer offices, etc. Fuck em. It’s like the Fox News crowd, always blaming Trans folks, immigrants, taxes, abortion or whatever else they can use to distract folks.
  6. How did I miss this thread last season? I love this show…much prefer smart, dialog driven, tight ~30m stories with distinctive characters that play their part well. Give me a five minute chat between Tyrian and Queen of Thorns over any hour long CGI circle jerk. Am glad to see this season sticking to that formula with some new twists while still allowing Ford an out that doesn’t feel contrived and would let the core continue. Curious to see if Goldstein’s acting chops have another gear, and I think we all identify with Derek a little too much meaning he does a good job. Wife still throws in ‘safe dick is the best dick’ into conversation lol.
  7. This whole thing reminds me of asking my kids why they were fighting…after ten minutes of backstory from both perspectives, it comes down to my son not giving my daughter a turn on the Fischer Price toy vacuum in 2016.
  8. That whole exchange was a Surly version of watching the Globetrotters…I knew the outcome before it started, it was going to be an epic beat down, and that Sydney was gonna bust out the ladders and trampolines as a from-the-top-rope finale.
  9. Voted this morning at a hotel here in cedar park. We took our 8 and 11yo kiddos with us, and while showing my eldest how the process works he said loudly ‘daddy make sure you don’t hit that, it’s for Trump it says’ lol. Typical chatty, bubbly and hilarious retiree at the line control spot leading into the room…who made sure to thank every kid there for dragging their parents in. Fast and easy, the way it should be…so we went thru the line a few more times, went and grabbed our illegal housekeeper to ensure she got a couple turns, and decided ‘fuck it’ so paid the Haitian yard crew a few puppies to get their votes as well. /s
  10. Rogan is just like Trump…the idea of a smart person to dumbasses. He’s obviously successful and deserves credit building his empire, but strikes me in that pseudo intellectualist bent that is poison to the ‘do your research’ crowd. I’m all about questioning established concepts, even to the extent of the Covid vaccine like he did…but the way serious people do that is through citing sound evidence and the scientific method to support your conclusions, not mining the relentless ocean of shit available on the net or quack guests that you never directly challenge. I do laugh though that apparently Trump was 3+ hours late to his rally that night after doing a 3 fuckin hour podcast with JR.
  11. I absolutely murder the fuck out of the unsweetened HEB Sparkling waters…all flavors.
  12. All right everybody, time to retire as a Counter Insurgency specialist and start a new career as Senior Principal Intelligence Analysts. Job market may be rough for tech right now but I’ve heard there’s a dearth of Economic Intelligence Vaccine Urban Planning Offensive Coordinators.
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