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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Homercles

  1. Head shots to people with a helmet on is some real Joe Rogan-level reasoning right there
  2. Thought not fully in line with the intent of this thread…I had one of my patented ‘rants to sef while driving’ yesterday. I accidentally broke our Christmas tree, bought at Costco a decade ago, by storing it in the bag, upside down. Ran to Costco and bought another one. Returned the tree yesterday, they took it with a smile and gave me $400 back. The conundrum is the lady didn’t ask if it was the old $300 tree or the new $400 tree that broke. She actually thanked me for ‘being the reason I have a great job’ after I apologized for hauling in a huge box on a cart. Costco is one the least-shitified companies I use on a regular basis and try to reward them with my business when feasible. They have a great return policy, pay their folks well, and don’t seem hell bent on screwing me over for a buck. Thus I felt guilty for sorta gaming the system…but then again, large companies consistently used PPP loans to buyback stock, layoffs happen without remorse, Covid was an excuse to jack up prices long after supply chain issues, and my employer is insistent I waste gas to sit in an empty office to keep tax breaks. The proverbial ‘They’ will take whatever they can get. If I have a loophole available, so be it. Use ad blockers, VPNs, etc.
  3. Maybe they’re interviewing Mike Elko
  4. This needs to be posted in any bowl game thread involving Georgia I’ll do the honors
  5. tOSU going way too slow
  6. Uh oh things are happening. Warm up the bunker
  7. Even when things are happening in this game, nothing happens
  8. Inside zone was working…so let’s try a slow ass pitch, or maybe a post with both DE completely unblocked on a critical third down.
  9. I’m expecting this crew to top the “Aggy called a timeout like 40 seconds ago but we sorta just…forgot? Yeah we forgot, that’ll do…please add 40s back onto the clock” that happened in our game
  10. Hey big play! Is it going to turn? This game: You’ll get a failed trick play, blown run and doinked FG
  11. This game so boring the announcers were talking about long snappers for 90 seconds
  12. Y’all understandably giving Ollie Gordon grief for his antics yesterday, and even as a Poke I wanted him to stfu and do his job. But I have a burning hatred for all Stoops, I feel it in my plums
  13. He’s definitely been over the top as the hype train ran him over. I’m hoping both the personal foul + expected earful from Gundy will calm his ass down a little. Not sure how I’d have handled going from an obscure RB to a Doak winner in the span of 9 games as a sophomore either.
  14. Ollie was bottled up quite a bit and still got 100+ yards. Needs to STFU and be the quiet assassin if he really wants to be remembered a notch below Barry. I also want to see Bowman move on, though I thank him for beating OU and that run for a 1st tonight where we went on to score. However…time to pick a Flores/Rangel and roll with it. After that designed run for a TD, wouldn’t mind Gunnar hanging around as a JW Walsh type…our short yardage blows ass. Inexcusable to still have second level backs looking lost in coverage in a bowl game. Also got no pressure up front. Props to Aggy still having fragments of ‘the best class ever’ still playing hard, our dudes looked small and slow in many places, in comparison. Fucking announcing crew was so far up Aggy ass they saw ghosts of Reveille past…interviewing Homer for a third of a quarter, talking gotdamn national championships? I expected ESPN to pimp gods gift to disappointment over us but shit, humping their leg raw got a little old. I’ve never seen a crew basically say ‘yeah they called a timeout over 30s ago but we just sorta forgot, whoopsie’. Were they smoking the good shit with gundy at halftime? Adding more time than the damn play clock? Whatever, im with ‘Stache. I can’t help any of y’all that weren’t entertained by that, my weird ass team with our fly ass coach that does shirtless, one handed pushups at half court brings color to college football…and beating Aggy should count for something around here.
  15. Obviously you’re not a golfer. Been this way most of the season
  16. Yea, as much as I’ve appreciated his services as a ‘bridge’ QB…especially his bomb ass play against OU…I’m ready to move on from Bowman
  17. Call me when they cross the English channel
  18. Everytime I see a pic of that thing I hear Arnold
  19. Y’all look exactly as I picture most posters here…cool as hell, kinda fat and drunk. Also describes me nicely. You’re buying.
  20. Everyone else watching you like
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