Last weekend I was in KC for a rare and awesome weekend with my BiLs to catch a Royals game (one goes to a different MLB park every year and I tag along when I can). Last Saturday night we were at this sports bar trying to catch all our games…OSU for me, Baylor for one BiL, Michigan for another and Michigan State for the third. We had a prime table and we’re just chilling.
Ironically I’d been trying to explain about Aggy to MSU guy earlier in the day, but about 2/3rds of the way through the Baylor game, a group of six Aggies drunkenly walk up to play golden tee. It was genuinely weird…they all looked the same, said they were cousins, constantly called one of their own regarded to his face, and made a few jokes about licking assholes.
I’m not making this up. It was awkward, annoying and with serious Deliverance vibes.
My Michigan BiL, who is 6’5” but as gentle as Teddy Ruxpin, suddenly pays our tab and texts us to GTFO. I figured they wanted our table and were just being assholes…so I told the aggies to enjoy licking each other’s assholes, I’ve heard it tastes like a penny, I’m going to take a piss…figuring my BiLs would meet me outside.
Apparently they didn’t like that, got pissy with Michigan demanding to know what I said, and the vibe turned weird. When my BiLs met me outside, MSU said ‘holy shit you weren’t kiddin…fuckin weirdos’. I told him I hope Miami pushes Aggy’s shit in so they can lick their own assholes and Texas whoops up on Bama.
So here’s to you, weird inbred Aggy fans fucking up a rare kid-free, wife-free, fun weekend with my brothers in law…last night I was just smiling at the heavens all: