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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Homercles

  1. So the rhino exhibit I saw in Xiamen wasn’t real either?
  2. It tellshh me that goosh stepping morons like yerrshelf should try reading booksh instead of bahhhhning them!!!
  3. Best thing to come out of Girls was Adam Driver.
  4. I group a USAF brat and really got into music seriously as a teen…when we were stationed in Turkey from 93/96. No internet, AFN-only tv. All I had was my parents turntable and their record collection…Fleetwood, Steppenwolf, Floyd, etc. Gained an appreciation for 60’s-80’s, along with properly exploring an album, because it’s all I had. Made my own mixtapes to carry around, which helped me appreciate good ‘production’ as I had to normalize, use DNR, etc if I wanted a good tape made from wildly varying vinyl sources. I recognize things/tastes change, but definitely lost something of an art with singles-focused, digitally-produced music. Floyd/Parsons had to make a loop of tape around a mic stand to repeat the Money sound effects…now you just ProTools it with one click, and it’s perfect. However now I appreciate creativity even more when it happens in the digital era:
  5. I just want to see the PAC12 get stripped bare enough I can use the term ‘2PAC’ seriously in a sports context one time
  6. I just use google news as an aggregator, read multiple sources if I’m interested in the topic, and make up my own mind. Shit like TikTok certainly trains people to have minute attention spans, but that’s their problem…except when my wife sends me fuckin TikTok recipes. What grinds my gears more is websites with usually interesting content but are so mired by ads, menu bars and content preview that it’s a long, battery-draining slog just to consume their content. I’m looking at you Jalopnik
  7. I think they’re real, and the intergalactic probe crash landed in Lubbock wherein the aliens took one look around before promptly committing suicide.
  8. Best I heard today was ‘Glitch McConnell’
  9. So a mass shooting was averted by…a mass shooting?
  10. There were at least four I can remember…the state highway slowed to 35mph, a bunch of abandoned buildings with trees growing through them, a leaning barn, and then a gleaming post office right before speed limit went back to 65.
  11. If our drive from Austin to Durango was any indication, the only nice building in the whole one-stoplight was the…federal…post office. “Got damn bums living off that thur gobment handouts up there in Portland, stealing from us werkin folk”
  12. At first I thought Musk was driving some scheme to manipulate markets for his Tesla stock (maybe shorting, I dunno), then figured he bought Twitter to control messaging on SpaceX/Tesla/etc…it’s almost been a relief to validate he’s some regarded pseudo-villain like a real life Mojo Jojo.
  13. Believe you meant Sled Driver, which is an incredible (albeit short) read. PDFs are available online, which is good as it’s been a bit of a holy grail to find in print…with prices set accordingly.
  14. More like (sorry for huge gif)
  15. Your car runs leaner at higher elevations due to less oxygen in the air and I assume there’s less work to ‘pump’ the thinner air, along with slightly better aerodynamics. It’s also why mountain towns sell gas with slightly lower octane.
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