I group a USAF brat and really got into music seriously as a teen…when we were stationed in Turkey from 93/96. No internet, AFN-only tv.
All I had was my parents turntable and their record collection…Fleetwood, Steppenwolf, Floyd, etc. Gained an appreciation for 60’s-80’s, along with properly exploring an album, because it’s all I had. Made my own mixtapes to carry around, which helped me appreciate good ‘production’ as I had to normalize, use DNR, etc if I wanted a good tape made from wildly varying vinyl sources.
I recognize things/tastes change, but definitely lost something of an art with singles-focused, digitally-produced music.
Floyd/Parsons had to make a loop of tape around a mic stand to repeat the Money sound effects…now you just ProTools it with one click, and it’s perfect. However now I appreciate creativity even more when it happens in the digital era: