Well generative models are proving to have unexpected impacts, Reddit is certainly allowed to not provide that content for free to them or 3rd party apps, but the users have a right to voice their displeasure with the native app apparently being trash / shutting out 3rd party interfaces. Just like this place / Twitter, the value is in the user base and content they provide.
Curious to see how it all pans out. Reddit does trend towards a younger audience, who love to mix naïveté and outrage in curious fashion…strongly political but don’t vote, validly criticize obscene corporate profits but don’t offer proposed solutions, etc.
I’m not dismissive of their complaints, by any stretch, but this feels a little like facebook alternatives…Reddit has massive momentum in content and market penetration, competitors are small and fragmented, and many probably feel like me in that I have no interest in ‘starting over’ again (Fark, Digg, etc) for another source of that kind of info.