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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Homercles

  1. I knew all that media attention was going to make them get creative, but I didn’t expect the Rainey killer to get that gruesome wow
  2. Coming soon, the esteemed voting products company D.O. Minion
  3. Of course they settled. Is the special master still a thing?
  4. “Right after the jurors and alternate jurors were sworn in, one alternate juror told the judge he couldn’t participate. “I’ve been up all night — I can’t do this,” he said, without explaining further.” I hear man, if I were on that jury I’d have been up all night too…furiously jacking it to the thoughts of the beat down I was going to see the next day.
  5. Ehh two of the smartest people I know, who ‘paid attention in school and worked hard’ with graduate degrees…are in education, which we all know pays handsomely. I chose to go the professional route, probably average 25-30 hours/week of real work and make 2-3x their salaries. Besides, EVs in my personal experience, are predominately owned by people in the private sector…or the Indian families in my ‘hood. Dad drives a mode X/3/Y and mom drives a slate-gray Odyssey, almost without fail.
  6. This shit has had me worried for awhile now. We have a roaming band of 10-12 kids that are all grades 1-4 that play together, mine included. There’s a text chain where we communicate, they know not to run into yards of people they don’t know, and my 3rd grader has a watch we can keep in touch with. At this age they’re not out after dark, but it’s coming. However NextDoor is full of stories on package thieves, homeless people and general concern/anger about anything that isn’t white bread perfect. Last winter a gang of teens were walking down the street tipping over trash bins and generally being assholes…imagine how NextDoor was then. So I’m sure a certain group are constantly huddled around the tv sitting on a pile of guns On the other hand it’s cedar park, predominantly Indian and Asian families…so I doubt most are packing heat, but my Cajun neighbor has pistols all over his house and the rest of their street was covered in One Family crap last election…and leading killer of young kids ya know.
  7. I’m sure he felt that he didn’t do anything wrong
  8. Let me get this straight…Nima and Lee were in a secret volatile gay romance gone wrong, when a crazy homeless guy told Nima he saw Lee fucking his married sister, causing Nima to become enraged and ultimately killed Lee after a disagreement about how powerful the homeless lobbying element is in San Fran? Someone call Nicole so we can get the real truth here
  9. Just cause this shit always cracks me up
  10. Yes let’s shoot off on another tangent before the motive is established
  11. Pretty sure Perry knows exactly what he’s doing. It’s the statewide rubes that he’s pandering to. Good luck reaching them.
  12. Do you have and are competent with a multimeter? Do you know how to solder? Are there any clearly burnt out components you can see? It could be as simple as a blown fuse that can be eyeballed and doesn’t require solder, up to a cratered ASIC that’s almost impossible to replace…or even find. I hate tossing out good shit in this ‘everything is disposable’ word we live in…but without model number (have you googled the mode number + failure mode to see if it’s a common issue) and details, doubt anyone can answer that.
  13. Wait…who is arguing brexit was anything but distilled dumbassery?
  14. Fair enough but it’s downtown, near Emmer and Rye with a Royal Blue nearby, and I like the beds. We just don’t go to bars on Rainey anymore, which sucks because I loved me a Long Hair Don’t Care outside in the afternoon at Lustre Pearl way back. Was able to snag a room for $220/night in February, which has sadly become the exception lately.
  15. My wife is a hotel snob, it’s a nice place with an overall nice location and we stayed there in Feb as they had on offer cheaper than our usual downtown mainstays like Fairmont, Hyatt Regency, the W, The Line, etc.
  16. As long as Emmer and Rye gets to move first, I’m ok with this. The last couple times we’ve stayed at Van Zandt for getaways, I don’t think we’ve even ventured around the corner to hit any of those bars…just too bro-crowded
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