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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Homercles

  1. Damn, Sarah Jessica Parker just doesn’t she does she
  2. Well was being eradicated in the states until the latest rounds of Karen’s opposing it https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/09/polio-declared-a-disaster-emergency-in-new-york-after-more-poliovirus-found/amp/
  3. My wife was complaining that nothing happened as well. It’s a setup episode, putting all the pieces in place and defining the story arcs right off the bat. That doesn’t bother me if they follow through with it…esp as a few actors have said that it was written as a 3-season story to tell. After watching Your Honor, Last of Us, and other dark shit…just glad to have something a little more light to watch. Hope they close it out nicely.
  4. Well Tech just GS’d to a 6-1 lead, and my brief optimism was instantly destroyed. Life of a Poke
  5. The atm at Walgreens was out of order today, so I assume the great bank failures have started since FDIC hasn’t insured 100% of deposits yet. Time to stock up on canned beans, sardines and milk duds, the revolution is at hand.
  6. Well they won’t sweep us. Had a comfortable lead most of the game, and won 9-4 today. Took a minute to find the optimist hat, but if it took 6 errors to blow a late lead and we won today…may be able to easily take the rubber match tomorrow. Who am I kidding, it’s baseball. Transitive properties do not exist.
  7. So China had this info but was hiding it? The timing of this seems…convenient…given recent discussions about the lab leak theory. Makes you wonder what else the they’ve been hiding.
  8. On the model X door failures, every time I see one being opened I think of this:
  9. I know him mostly from The Wire…the man had an absolutely badass way of walking that suited the character perfectly. Was also on one of my favorite Key and Peele’s:
  10. Holy shit thank you! Drinking to enhance vs drinking to escape. I like that. I never had a problem with the former, but nearly sunk myself with the latter. Looking back it was all stressors…grad school, tough baby, associated marriage stress. Imagine that drinking made it worse…what a concept. On a related note, we just visited some family who have been through the wringer with the husband suffering a few years under leukemia before a transplant last year permanently ended it. His wife looked rough, understandably, but I instantly recognized myself from 3+ years back…the chubby, pimpled, reddish blotted face of someone who drank daily (or close to it).
  11. My kids usually want a lunch box on Friday (pizza) day…I’m trying to tell them that square pizza is a rite of passage for public school. Next time I’ll threaten that their next field trip is to Matamoros
  12. Yeah that’s a great point, our man here may not be wise to get stoned then try drinking four shakes while everything heals. Weirdly I don’t get super munchies until I’m coming down…my progression goes: cold/shaky (coming up) -> silly -> horny -> hungry. I also tend to stay up late whereas my wife straight passes out after we (usually) get busy. But when I do get munchies I go insane. Shits the next day are like
  13. My wife had the sleeve done and edibles are fine. Constant nicotine narrows your arteries as you know, occasional THC won’t be an issue. I like to have a couple drinks, pop an edible then ‘coast’ that way…fun, relaxing, no hangover and so long as you don’t keep drinking it won’t be wild. Also, weighing yourself everyday may be counterproductive. Water, shit, etc will have it wiggling up/down driving yourself mad.
  14. No shit. All of mine looked like the one from BrewStew
  15. OrangePower. I think they just couldn’t pay the bills…Twitter account said, a few months ago, they were working to get back online but alas it’s dead. Pretty good fans for sports stuff, but the news/politics board was ass backwards as fuck painful.
  16. Well that didn’t work out https://theoatmeal.com/comics/gym
  17. Dude it’s all relative. I fee skinny at 205 which I’m not.
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