My past alcohol issues are laid out in several threads around here…but relevant here is that tolerance from regular heavy drinking made each subsequent foray like the Aggy coaster: feeling good, feeling fine, having fun, then off the cliff disaster-level wasted. It became a stupid, dangerous, pointless balancing act every time I drank.
Once I got stressors/mental shit fixed, was able to change my relationship with alcohol and it wasn’t a regular part of my (near daily) routine. With that came low tolerance, and I could have a few drinks on occasion without having to balance it like fucking Goldilocks to chase that ‘just right’. Also gone was the mental gymnastics of ‘will I or won’t I tonight’. I could take it or leave it.
Obviously my case was more extreme than many of y’all but my point is that a break can be a beneficial reset of your physical tolerance and mental relationship with alcohol…not to mention a good ‘test’ to ensure you’re not white knuckling over it, and if it’s an ordeal then maybe time to think that habit over a bit.
I actually enjoy dry Jan not necessarily for myself, but after all the social gatherings in Nov/Dec where alcohol is everywhere with unspoken pressure to join in…everyone else calming their tits naturally means a quieter social life in general for awhile, and therefore I barely drink too.
/sorry for YGIF’ing