Yeah that program has appeared to be a model of execution and secrecy, which is remarkable in the age of the Internet and people hanging out near Groom Lake/Plant 42. Then again it seems to be a scaled down version of the original planform for the B2 before the dumbass, last minute requirement for low-level added complexity to the ‘tail’, so they had a lot of experience in optimizing the design already. Smaller shape probably helps with RCS as well, the simpler sawtooth should help with low frequency returns as well.
All the really good stuff will likely be things we won’t know about or be able to see at the reveal. I bet it’s networked like a mix between an F35 and Global Hawk, a flying NAT server. Certainly a newer coating requiring less maintenance. Infrastructure in place to be optionally unmanned. Compatible with NGAD to control drone swarms and AA buddies. Awesome LPI radar. That’s the stuff I want to hear about.
When dad was AD he was stationed at Whiteman for a few years, got to go visit. Impressive facility and fun to watch those alien shapes come in to land, and definitely a more secure-feeling environment than your standard AMC base…and not just the far side of the base where the (nuclear) weapons depot is. Reminded me of Incirlik.