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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Homercles

  1. That was nasty. Drove down to Tomo to pickup dinner for my wife and I, sky was all kinds of gnarly. Rain started just as the kids were going to bed. Right as we were watching end of episode one of House of Dragons, shit hit the fan and scared my kiddos right outta bed in a big way…totally burned my chances with the wife, though I’m sure that birth scene wasn’t helping either.
  2. Why is it always SEALs with those clowns? There’s a whole spectrum of badassery out there, and dumbasses pick one that’s easy to refute: ”oh you do? Where’s he stationed?” ”Uhh Iowa” (Navy special warfare is pretty limited to three bases, one on each coast, and Hawaii) Say something like a CCT, Marine Raider or Special Forces. Hell my dad got his usaf career started as a reservist flight nurse and said PJs on C-130s would practice IVs on each other, or pile their duffles together for brutal games of ‘king of the mountain’ when they got bored during a SAREX. SEALs aren’t the only game in town, those idiots just furiously masturbate to Zero Dark Thirty and Joe Rogan.
  3. Never thought this chestnut would be still useful decade+ later
  4. Yeah YGIFS needs to slow his roll. I have a lot of sympathy for him given his situation from the alcoholics thread, but then to strut into CR going all Beaker on us…
  5. Well you’re acting like you either fell off or high on PAWS or just generally manic. You’re not making a whole lot of sense and being overtly aggressive, similar to other newb/sock accounts that typically go…what’s the technical term…’bananas’ in big threads. So either take yourself a chill pill or contribute to the conversation in a serious/funny way. Else you’re not going to be taken seriously and railroaded. Guess you can then go cry about CR in DT and board discussion.
  6. Check the alcoholics thread in DT. I don’t think he’s trolling but either fell off or in a bit of a transition phase
  7. Not sure what you’re worried about. Not gonna get laid again anytime soon
  8. May want to switch out the door for solid core or something more substantial as well
  9. I’ve chimed in on this before, but I graduated OSU in 2002 with 14k in debt. Parents paid my first year, used loans + part time (full time summer) job doing tech support for a wonderful $8 an hour to support myself. The rate was something ridiculous like 2.5%. Paid it off in about five years by avoiding big cc debt and living with roommates for three of those years before buying a house in pville for $125k. Moved to Austin in 02 to work tech support here for an excellent $13/hour. Slowly worked my way up the food chain, but have tempered my career ambitions due to kids and having a wonderful boss that allows incredible work/life balance, which is worth a lot to me. Unlike a lot of boomers, I recognize I had it good. Smaller loan at a low rate, bought a nice starter home at an affordable price on a FIXED (phew) mortgage in 2005, owned a sweet 97 Prelude and motorcycle, garage had a beer fridge and full size Area 51 arcade cabinet. Life was sweet. I can’t imagine getting the same degree for $70k, that same house is now approx $400k despite being 17 years older, and I’m sure that same phone gig hasn’t gone up anywhere near 3-5x in salary…I’m barely touching that after 20 years as a senior PM. Give those folks some money and stop bitching about corner cases. The world is very different now. Much better use of government funds than that bullshit ‘middle class tax break’ that I supposedly benefited from. /rant
  10. Did he got to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?
  11. Holy fuck they all look the same. Fat young wannabe Meal Team Six Gun nuts, fat middle aged Karens, angry Minions boomer or bald middle age Oakley’s guy. I drive by the house of a Bald Middle Age Oakleys guy regularly. Always flying the flag, Abbot signs out front since May, garage full of suspicious buckets.
  12. So Loather is the smartest guy in the world huh? …I thought his head would be bigger
  13. The entire baseball act is unbelievable but maybe my favorite moment in a scene, for the whole series is the three called strikes. The dead silence of the crowd as it dawns on him what he’s supposed to be doing, before he basically asks the catcher ‘……….strike?’ < mimics hand signal accidentally > Overly flamboyant strike two call, waving to the crowd and a huge grin on his face And of course, my favorite of all: calling strike 3 before the ball is anywhere near the plate
  14. Have you called an exhaust shop? They have generic ones they can weld in there too
  15. Drunkest I ever got during that whole decade, besides my bachelor party, was the night we lost to ISU. I knew it was over, and later watching the ‘game of the century’ I got a serious case of what-coulda-been…like a lot of folks. Who knows what we’d have done against a defense full of NFL players but it sure woulda been nice to try. Oh well.
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