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Gale Snoats

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Everything posted by Gale Snoats

  1. Pecan Square is an MML place right behind Clark's and is pretty easy to get into.
  2. Does anyone have a free? I’m in Mexico and it’s telling me I can’t watch. Feed not free
  3. Pretty sure my wife has appendicitis so going to take her to the ER. We’re close to the seton on 38th but curious about dell at UT. Anyone have any experience or thoughts? Are all ER’s the same?
  4. Got a bunch of venison back strap and would like to grill like a steak. Can I season like a reg steak or is it better to marinade? If marinade any recs for what / how long?
  5. Just arrived from Austin. Dry and no traffic. Very easy.
  6. Never been to jerryworld and looking at tickets. Field level stuff looks like it’d be cool bc your close but can’t see actual game so watching on monitor whole time. Is that correct?
  7. The dynamic bw E Hogan and his new sidekick is horrible. Hogan talks the whole the time and the other guy just interjects every 15 or 20 seconds and repeats one or two words Hogan just said. It reminds me of something I've seen in a movie but I can't put my finger on it. It's unlistenable. Are there any podcasts or streams that talk Texas sports? Is Babers going to go anywhere? I think he is really good.
  8. Great rec - we went to San Matteo’s and it was awesome. Re Keens - we called several times bf the trip and they said they were full. We got the concierge to call once we arrived and got a table for 12 at 9:30 one night so maybe go through your hotel. Or as PW said shoot for a later time as they stay open pretty late.
  9. Any thoughts on best pizza on upper east side?
  10. Oh no!! My son’s favorite and we’re going there this weekend. Hopefully they haven’t fucked it up yet. Maybe they won’t fuck it up. Vic and Anthony’s isn’t bad. On another note we get in town tomorrow morning and are staying at the Carlyle. Is there a fun place to watch the tx game close by? Will have our 11 and 13 yr olds.
  11. What's the best way to get to Port A from central Austin if you don't want to take 35 though SA?
  12. yesterday mid afternoon at city hall in downtown Austin. waited about 15 minutes.
  13. We’re fluent and rented a car in Escondido. On the way back to the airport our rental died in the middle of the busy street in the middle of town. I jumped out and told 3 or 4 guys working at a body shop right there that we were trying to catch a plane and asked them to help me push it off the road. My wife steered while we pushed it off to the side and the head guy at the shop gave us a ride to the airport in his truck. Was really nice of those guys to help us. I told the rental car guy what happened and told him where the car was and he said no problem they’d get it towed.
  14. We stayed in a house about 20KM's outside of town. We ate in town a few times and walked through the market a few times and didn't see any. We watched the surfers on the pipeline and there were a few gringos there. We went to a couple of beaches close to town that were more swimmable that had little beach clubs and chairs laid out and those places were packed but no gringos just us. We also went to a fancier beach and tennis club one day and no gringos there. All that said, I'm familiar with your posts and extensive knowledge of Mexico and defer to you -- just providing my anecdotal experience as, overall it definitely seemed less touristy and gringo infiltrated than the 5 or 6 other beach towns we've been to down there. My favorite part of the trip was watching those guys surf the pipeline. The break is really close to shore and it's crazy how big and powerful that wave is.
  15. We flew to Mexico City this summer and spent a few days there then flew to Puerto Escondido and spent a week there. We really enjoyed both. PE is much more off the beaten path compared to other Mexican beaches we've been to (including Sayulita). I think we saw one or two groups of white folks the whole time we were there.
  16. He came to practice for a team I was on several years ago and spoke to us. He referred to himself as 'hit king' throughout the talk which was basically 20 minutes of him telling us how much of a badass he was. He was wearing a white almost shiny warm up / track suit and shiny white baseball cap with 'hit king' on the front. He had on white tennis shoes that were some kind of animal skin and old lady reading glasses with a gold metal chain attached to them. He kind of looked (and was dressed) like Elton John.
  17. I've thought a lot about Kris over the past year as we lost my dad in the summer of 23 and Kris was his all time favorite. Like someone up thread said -- when I think of my childhood I think of riding to the baseball fields in my dad's truck listening to Kris and Willie.
  18. We have to get someone who's good defensively at first base. We lost a shit ton of outs this season with guys who have no clue how to play the position. Crazy to me that they can't coach up someone with big league skills at another position to play adequate defense at first base. Singleton's too fat. Yainer just stabs at the ball like a little leaguer. Maybe Caratini can get there but I guess we need him at catcher. None of them know how to properly stretch. And I wish Youtube TV would pick up SpaceCity. Fubo fucking sucks. Trying to watch a recorded game is such a beatdown -- ff is shit and it just crashes several times a game.
  19. Put this in hunting but thought I’d put it here too. I think this is the year I finally breakdown and get an over under for dove hunting. I’ve been looking at the Browning website and am overwhelmed by the number of options. There are at least 20 different kinds of citoris. Any recs for a good high quality over under that’ll last forever that I can pass down to my boy? Would like to keep it under $3K so I know they limits the options. Not married to browning. That’s just what I’ve always had in mind.
  20. I think this is the year I finally breakdown and get an over under for dove hunting. I’ve been looking at the Browning website and am overwhelmed by the number of options. There are at least 20 different kinds of citoris. Any recs for a good high quality over under that’ll last forever that I can pass down to my boy? Would like to keep it under $3K so I know they limits the options. Not married to browning. That’s just what I’ve always had in mind.
  21. A friend and I took on a single at Memorial Park in Houston sometime in the late 90's. Nice old guy named Jerry. We had a good time and were bullshitting with him all day. Toward the end of the round we started talking football and my buddy said something like, "Jerry, you looked like you probably played some football back in your day." Jerry chuckled and said yeah, he did. It was Jerry Kramer from Packers. We didn't want to wear him out but he was kind enough to regale us with some commentary on the Ice Bowl. He was super cool to us that day.
  22. Figured this was a good spot for this question - my 6th grade boy is getting really interested in WWII. they’ve started taking about it in history class at school but he’s also asking to watch some movies and docs. I immediately thought of BoB and saving private ryan but thinking about it more those are pretty rough. Any thoughts on movies or docs that are age appropriate? I know the subject matter is rough but hoping there are things we can watch together.
  23. I work downtown and walk up and down 2nd street several times a day (lunch, coffee, take calls while getting some steps in etc). In those 3 or 4 blocks, every single time i encounter at least 5 or 6 homeless and at least 1 or 2 of them has some level of aggression toward passersby. I've seen homeless take their clothes off and shake their dicks at people, just lying their naked and passed out, taking a piss on the sidewalk, screaming at people walking by, screaming at another homeless, smoking weed, all kinds of crazy shit. There are a ton of women and tourists with kids walking that street and they all have to navigate the minefield. In my probably hundreds of walks up and down 2nd I've seen a cop on foot patrol maybe 2 or 3 times.
  24. Chas fucking jogging to first base so we don’t get that run in
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