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Gale Snoats

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Everything posted by Gale Snoats

  1. Voted mid-morning on Friday at South Austin Rec Center. In and out in 20 minutes. Maybe 5 in front of me and 15 behind when leaving. Straight D for me and, from the looks of it and if I was guessing, for most if not all of the folks there. I was surprised at how good it felt and how emotional it was for me to vote against that sack of shit and all of his R enablers / hangers on. In past I might have voted for an R or two down ballot (judges I practice in front of etc) but not this time or ever again. If you have that R (and maybe even more so if you acknowledge that he's a POS in private but are too scared to drop the R) you're dead to me.
  2. Totally get that. FWIW, we went during COVID times this summer and stayed at an awesome place in Tesuque that we found through this outfit: https://www.twocasitas.com/ It was during the quarantine and we just cooked at the house and did curbside and their version of favor (fetch I think) for places in Tesuque. They only have a few places to eat but they're all really really good. The house we rented backed up to a nature preserve and we spent a lot of time just hiking out on the back 40. Also nice that Tesuque is on the ski side of SF.
  3. This is what we've been doing as well. Skiing is fine for our needs (kids under 10 and wife and me just cruising blues) and Santa Fe is a great town for kids and adults. We love being able to go from the in town Santa Fe kind of southwestern vibe to an alpine scene in 30 or so minutes. Also an easy one day drive from Austin (can get to CO in a day too but those extra 4 or 5 hours are where you really start to feel it with kids) and we usually get there in time for supper and a stroll around the Plaza). We love the 4 Seasons, La Fonda, and Inn at Loretto but there are also a ton of good houses to rent (some secluded in the hills right outside of town but only 5 minutes away from the plaza).
  4. I've asked this before on TOS but it's been many years. I have a sub that I need fixed (hands and date don't turn when turning dial after pulled out) and an air king that i need to get a new face on. Is there a good Rolex repair shop in Austin? Should i go through an authorized dealer in Austin? Regarding the sub -- I'd lost it for over 5 years ago (thought our toddler did something with it or a contractor took it) and, yesterday, while cleaning out a few extra rooms, found it in a random old shoe box!
  5. We got google mesh and it’s night and day. Super fast everywhere in house with fiber router and the 3 pucks. Not my strength and I set it up in 10 minutes.
  6. Everything on their menu is awesome. Their fajitas are great too.
  7. I should have been more clear. A friend was bringing food from a steakhouse including but not limited to steaks but wasn’t getting to our ultimate destination for 30 or 45 minutes after picking up. I wanted to mark the occasion with as near a steakhouse like experience as possible moment.
  8. Any thoughts on best way to transport cooked steak for 30 minutes? Cooking one place then plating somewhere else 30 minutes later and want it to be correct temp etc. back in broiler for just a bit or in oven for a minute or so?
  9. Any of you watch guys have strong opinions on Panerai? i like them a lot but don't know anyone who has owned one. i'm also really liking the look of the Seaholm submariner knockoff. also like that it's an Austin business and a few folks I know say the founder is a good guy. Any thoughts or experiences with Seaholm?
  10. Drove from Austin to Santa Fe last week and then on to Durango this week. I saw little to no mask compliance in the Texas small towns we passed through (didn't inspect every business but saw several town squares and in several convenient stores and a grocery store). NM and CO are night and day different -- basically 100% compliance indoors in every place i've seen or been. Really strange to see old-timers and typical fat ass small town men, women, and children in Post, Lubbock, Littlfield etc. not giving a fuck and then those same demos at 100% compliance in NM and CO (in fairness CO seems to have less of an obesity epidemic than small town TX and small town NM).
  11. Anyone spent much time on lake Austin during the pandemic? More or less crowded than usual for this time of year?
  12. anyone know a good boat mechanic that can come check out a boat in the slips next to hula hut? boat won't start and trailer far away and everybody I talk to says it'll be weeks before they can get out.
  13. Any thoughts on best place in Austin to get lump? Best brands? Best to order online?
  14. I feel like our little bubble has been as vigilant as possible and most of the folks we run around with have been strict lock down for at least 6 weeks. In the past few days I’ve heard more and more about families who have been isolating starting to together with other families for dinner / beers / play dates with kids. My first reaction is this is not acceptable but then I drive down Barton springs and see the new ski shores (one of my favorite 1/4 miles in Austin but they just can’t get any decent food there - ski shores is shit without a lake next to it and chuys / shady are what they are but that area could do so much better) is crowded and the park is covered up and I think we’ll it’s a lot better than that. Any thoughts on families that have been isolating getting together to see each other for a bit?
  15. Did curbside at Poolburger last night and there were at least 15 or 20 people standing out in front of Deep Eddy having beers? I couldn't see inside but the door was open and it looked busy in there too? I love Deep Eddy and have spent a considerable amount of time there over the years but what the fuck is that all about?
  16. 25 employee business in Austin. PPP app was approved Monday and funded yesterday afternoon. We worked with our local bank that we have a longstanding relationship with.
  17. Expensive but very high quality mmh is running a grocery out of the new Swedish hill. Curbside and and home delivery - produce meat beer wine baked goods basic groceries like flour butter etc and also prepared foods from their various places
  18. Meant to post an update here but think I put it in another thread. Did drizzly the other day and it worked great. They coordinate with local shops (south Austin liquor for me). Local shop texted me order immediately to make sure they had it right and was at house in about 30 minutes. left it on front porch with no interaction. $4 delivery fee and tip how ever much you went.
  19. I'm a business litigation lawyer in Austin and right there with you on the work stuff. We're as busy as we've ever been and I'm very proud of our associates and my partners for making the transition to WFH without losing really any productivity / hours. My main concern is how long can clients continue to pay.
  20. thanks to LL Lawyer's rec i had booze delivered to the house via grizly.com and it worked very well. Grizly connects you to a local liquor store (south lamar for us) and then the store takes it from there -- immediately called me to verify order and had it on our doorstep in 30 minutes. I think the surcharge was only $4 and you tip however much you want.
  21. any booze delivery in Austin? i know specs has curbside but i'd prefer delivery if possible.
  22. All this talk about surfside, Bryan beach, Quintana, Sargent reminds me of my childhood growing up in southern brazoria county. Great place to grow up if you love to have free reign and hunt and fish and don’t know any better. Moved to Austin to go to Texas when I was 17 and got civilized and it ruined me.
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