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Gale Snoats

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Everything posted by Gale Snoats

  1. Haha yes a dickhead and a weirdo and a fucking nerd. Now go write 8 more stupid paragraphs that I’m not gonna read and nobody gives a fuck about. And go back to Ohio or whatever bullshit godforsaken yankee shithole you’re from. Blah blah blah mother fucker. Ps Jerry would be just fine with me bc I love their music and don’t hate on anyone who does - just call out self important judgmental jerkoffs when we’re all sick of your bullshit.
  2. Looks like we joined this site the same day and I guarantee you I’ve been on the old ones as long or longer than you. You got me though you have around 22.9K more posts than me. Quite an achievement. Congrats.
  3. Don’t post much but just want to say I love your posts on this thread and I think WTB is a dickhead weirdo for how he treats you on this thread. Keep it up and don’t let him bring you down. Ps again I don’t post much at all but I’m kind of an asshole to lobo sometimes on various threads but I like him and like when he posts on this thread too.
  4. No lobo gave us his typical fake name dropping self important bullshit that always turns out to be wrong but has become kind of endearing in a pathetic sad sort of way over the years. He’s almost likable and that’s saying something for how consistently wrong and annoying he is. You’re the one who told me that AG was a funny way to spell TRRC. All good but FYI if I post anything like what I posted it may ultimately be wrong but know it comes straight from the mouths of the level of folks that lobo pretends to have connections with.
  5. Swayze can you point me to an idiot's guide on id'ing venomous Texas snakes? Love this thread and your pics and don't want to kill anything I come across around the house (we're on a greenbelt and it's pretty snaky) that's harmless. Aren't there only a few you have to worry about?
  6. is this with or without pre-check as well?
  7. Have family who are in high end restaurant space and own/operate 15 to 20 spots and they’re getting killed on labor - many from pre are Mia and can’t find new folks now. Killing them.
  8. Our posts crossed. We’ve been lucky and have had no problems except for her husband dropping it in the security line at the airport and cracking the face.
  9. A few years ago I got my wife an old mens air king and she loves it. Can’t remember but I think it’s from the 70s or 80’s so it’s little by today’s sizing standards. Not for everyone but she loves it.
  10. A double barrel side by side. Yildez actually has a cool little .410 over under that id rather get him but he’s really wanting a side by side and that’s cool with me. Certainly not as many of those floating around and a bit of a novelty when over unders are everywhere I’m my experience.
  11. cross posting from gun thread: Going to get my soon to be 8 yr old a shotgun for his birthday. I'd rather get him a 20 ga just thinking long term but he's a little guy and is really really wanting a .410 so we'll probably go with that (and I do think a .410 can be a fun gun to hold on to). He's also really wanting a side by side and I see that there's a .410 side by side Yildiz at Academy. Any thoughts on this brand? The reviews seem pretty good but there aren't a ton of them out there. Any thoughts on / experience with Yildiz?
  12. Going to get my soon to be 8 yr old a shotgun for his birthday. I'd rather get him a 20 ga just thinking long term but he's a little guy and is really really wanting a .410 so we'll probably go with that (and I do think a .410 can be a fun gun to hold on to). He's also really wanting a side by side and I see that there's a .410 side by side Yildiz at Academy. Any thoughts on this brand? The reviews seem pretty good but there aren't a ton of them out there. Any thoughts on / experience with Yildiz?
  13. I’ve asked this but forget the answer. Have an early 90s submariner that has stopped working. The hands don’t move when you spin the thing. Any places in Austin that can help? If not does is it the kind of thing you mail to the manufacturer? I’m original owner if they care.
  14. Any recs on courses in and around Santa Fe? Going to be spending some time there and will hopefully get out a few times.
  15. great photos as always. (if you're willing) where (both location and type of building) did you find the remains? is that an old jailhouse? did you notify the cops or anything like that? not saying you should have just interested in how that went down / your thoughts.
  16. Agreed. Now y’all who’re without sin can cast the first stone but he’s flesh and blood just like the rest of us. I enjoy watching all sport but Tiger at his peak is the best of all time for me.
  17. power was out for about 50 hours but been on but for a few short outages since early yesterday morning. having pressure issues with water now but other than that water has been good the whole time (pressure and hot/cold functioning). dripping inside and wrapped outside. if i continue to drip and no other obvious issues bw now and going above freezing for good tomorrow will i make it through unscathed? tldr if water continues to function are you out of the woods once it gets above freezing (meaning not vulnerable to busting when warming up since you've maintained flow the whole time?)
  18. Final question then I’ll stop the thread jack. Just turned off gas and fire immediately went to smoldering. Wood is kept in a place that it typically dry but the hell blizzard someone managed to get way under the porch and cover the stack so it’s a bit damp. So options are keep burning hot with gas rod lit or turn off and try and make to to friends’. Thoughts?
  19. I’m sorry I snapped. Just stressed out. Thanks to all with suggestions. My concern with turning off gas is that it won’t burn as hot and will be smokier but I will give it a shot. Thanks to all and sorry again. Just a bit on edge with all this bullshit.
  20. Fuck you bitch yes I’m fucking serious. This is an incredibly stressful situation and I’m weighing keeping my family here for the night sitting in a room that seems like it’s getting more and more smoke in it or losing them up and trying to get to friends which is also very dangerous as we’re in a hilly neighborhood. In normal times if I feel like smoke is coming back in the house we’d just open windows turn on fans not camp in front of the fire etc. none of this are options now. Fuck you and your lame ass tired unhelpful response.
  21. Flue is open and have been burning a fire since Sunday night. Just feels like the smoke as gotten progressively more present inside the living room in the past few hours. We typically don’t sit in the same room for hours and hours with a roaring fire so just paranoid.
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