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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RamjetFDO

  1. All fucking day, baby. [emoji869]
  2. Wide open. Very easy.
  3. Shrewsbury defense shredded and a goalkeeper caught well out of position equals an easy 3rd goal for Wrexham.
  4. Elliot Lee. Wrexham 2 to the good in the 41st
  5. Ollie Palmer with an easy finish after a beautiful buildup. 1-nil to Wrexham in the 15th against Shrewsbury.
  6. Three main chutes deployed.
  7. Tally-ho from the WSSH ground team.
  8. Good plasma trail views, including from ISS and the tracking WB-57 aircraft.
  9. Deorbit burn complete. Trajectory nominal. Thrusters fired as planned, so that's good.
  10. Thanks for the Flight Dynamics call-out, Rob!
  11. So far, as expected, but these aren't the troublesome thruster clusters yet.
  12. Holy crap. Rob Navias on the PAO loop. That's comforting to hear my old friend.
  13. The worrying part of that trajectory (as if there's only one) is that any underburn (low performance, failed jet, etc.) on that deorbit burn would extend that trajectory right into CONUS heartland territory. So - here's hoping they get a nominal burn delta-V from the thruster combos that are available.
  14. Yup - out of bounds.
  15. Crocky J ... Not exactly a Stripper Monkey, but still... Damn.
  16. Lifeforce: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089489/
  17. Beeping is claimed to be a misconfiguration in comms systems causing that rhythmic sound through the speaker, but yeah ... "okay". Just watched the press conference, and my old co-worker tried to give a very politically-savvy and calm description of what must've been a dick-measuring contest between Boeing and NASA. I don't envy him that job, as it looks like the last month or so has aged him a decade at least. He looks really tired. Everything's on schedule for an undocking on Friday, Sept 6, just after 5pm CDT. They'll do a fairly conventional undock/separation profile that will allow Starliner to translate out in front of ISS quite a bit over the course of several orbits. This is a very safe and predictable trajectory ... presuming the thrusters fire correctly (fingers crossed). Even *if* the deorbit maneuver fails, Starliner will still continue to separate downrange from ISS, so from a trajectory standpoint, I'm good with this plan. See you Friday.
  18. If they look through the hatch and this chick is in there looking back... Don't open the hatch, regardless of what she is or isn't wearing.
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