Beeping is claimed to be a misconfiguration in comms systems causing that rhythmic sound through the speaker, but yeah ... "okay".
Just watched the press conference, and my old co-worker tried to give a very politically-savvy and calm description of what must've been a dick-measuring contest between Boeing and NASA. I don't envy him that job, as it looks like the last month or so has aged him a decade at least. He looks really tired.
Everything's on schedule for an undocking on Friday, Sept 6, just after 5pm CDT. They'll do a fairly conventional undock/separation profile that will allow Starliner to translate out in front of ISS quite a bit over the course of several orbits. This is a very safe and predictable trajectory ... presuming the thrusters fire correctly (fingers crossed). Even *if* the deorbit maneuver fails, Starliner will still continue to separate downrange from ISS, so from a trajectory standpoint, I'm good with this plan.
See you Friday.