100%. And as I agreed with @locodos above, it's working for them on their commercial space unmanned product line.
Ah... here we go. "Two things can be true at the same time".
It's ABSOLUTELY a cavalier attitude that has permeated everything that SpaceX does. I know guys who work there that I trust, and they're very worried. They see the social-media-driven generation making decisions based on public and fanboi positive comments rather than taking just a little bit longer and doing things right. Do you think the technical oversight of not launching IFT-1 with flame trench deflectors was because of anything other than GO-fever and not wanting to be embarrassed on Twitter/X? A total sense of "we know what we're doing, to hell with those old guys" hubris?
Trust me on this one ... NASA's not immune either. The Apollo guys didn't have this problem, because they were also pretty much the Mercury/Gemini guys. On Shuttle, we had a transition where a lot of the Apollo guys were on the way out, but some were still there to try to pass along the culture and the mindset. Challenger happened just as much because of the bad decisions, misdirected focus, and not applying basic cockpit resource management to the decision processes as due to the technical design flaw. That was a slap in the face and we learned... until we didn't again with Columbia.
If you think that this culture of backwards-cap-wearing on console, fanboi-screaming adoration, and casually claiming "success" when failure is the real outcome won't come to bite SpaceX in the ass one day... you're misreading history. There's nothing wrong with staring out by saying "hey, we're disappointed at the failure of the Heavy booster not performing on flyback and we're puzzled and more than a bit worried about what happened with Starship" and then going on to say, but we'll learn from what did go right, fix what went wrong, and those things won't happen again... but that's not even close to the public presentation that they're putting out there.
The story, sadly, is unfolding in front of us unless something changes and soon.
Again - I WANT them to succeed... but I see what's happening based on history and experience.